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Preview Files Gone on Startup


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i updated Sequecer to 6.2.12 Frday and Saturday.

All was working and I was updating my Preview for 2023 with new props.  Had been working on update since 6.2.10.

I finished doing excellent update to preview and was happy with how it looked with sequence and shutdown.

Powered up today and Sequencer said "The preview for this sequence was not found in your list of previews and the preview stored in the sequence contains an error: '.', hexadecimal value 0x00, is an invalid character. Line 145, position 30.

I went to look for lorprev files and could not find any of my previews.  A couple old previews are scattered in other folders. 

I pulled the log (attached) and you can see yesterday 2023-09-02 @ 11:30 log that it "changed" previews?  What was that for?  Could that have been problem?

Is there somewhere else I should look?  User/appdata has nothing... looking for where my previews went :(

Any guidance would help me avoid a melt down.

/CommonData has 2 preview.xml files (.xml and xml.bak)  The xml.bak has nothing of any value and seems broken?


Edited by purdurnr
Added info on /CommonData folder
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Previews should be in <where ever your LOR files are locate>\CommonData.  The most recent preview should be in  LORPreview.xml and the previous version should be in LORPreviews.xml.bak

Any time you save the preview, you should (I presume) get the changed message.  So that entry at 2023-09-02T14:11:30.8635585-05:00 (and the following two entries) appear to be normal.




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I pulled up my other laptop that I had used for some editing last Christmas and the previews are still there.  So I can at least recover my previews as of last year.

Would like to know how this happened to avoid it recuring.  1 file held all of my previews from last 8 years?  I thought adding a preview added another file.  Guess it just keeps adding them into the single file :(


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Yes, it's a single file.  One of the reasons to be very diligent on backing up the CommonData directory.


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