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Need help with a custom Mega Star Preview


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I'm in the process of building a mega star using 2 pixcon16 controllers. It's going to be big! tip to tip is 18' on the long spires. Most of it is complete but I'm having an issue defining the universes for the center hub. It's a matrix with 2 strings of 150 WS2811 bullets but in the shape of an octagon. I'm able to use the custom light placement but I'm unable to define the number of strings and universes. The preview looks like this, the Picture looks like this and I have an excel spreadsheet with the entire layout

The other problem is just a design constrained where I'm basically wasting 36 pixels per string x 4 for the support spire. I have to shorten the panels in order to get a 4" x 4" steel tube up the center to support the structure. I believe I can create the null pixels in the Pixcon16 Setup. Looking for ideas to solve the center hub issue.

I hope the links work to be able to see the files in this discussion.

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18 hours ago, MSB said:

I could not get that second line to show up. How did you do that?

Number your pixels as such in the custom prop spread sheet.

String/universe 1. 1 to p150

string/universe 2. 1001 to 1150

string/universe 3. 2001 to 2150 

and so on for all the strings/universes in the prop. This will show all strings/universes in the preview as separate rows. Jimehc shows this in his prop he shared.

Thanks Jimehc for showing me this trick. 

Kenny Jure

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21 hours ago, Jimehc said:

Actually Matt - incorporated it in 6.2.10

Can set the Pixels Per String and It will Renumber The Prop

So this feature will auto number each string as indicated above? 

I've got to go try this out.

Prior to 6.2.10 I had to number each pixel manually in the spread sheet. The last prop I made had 5000 pixels. Typing in that many pixel numbers took a lot of time. The numbers started on Zero and ended on 18,150 using the manual method I described above. It almost took as much time to type in all the numbers as it is taking me right now to push the 5000 pixels into the Coro. 🤣

Thanks for that info.

Kenny Jure

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Thanks for the help! I like the spreadsheet option, but in my case that won't work since the shape is an octagon and not rectangular. I don't see an option to block out cells that aren't needed. I looked at the preview sent back and tried it on my original and it worked great! Never thought to right click on the spreadsheet. Will be plunking in the lights this week. It going to take a while 😁


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I do have one more question on this topic. 3 of the 4 long spires have 4 strands of 150 pixels each with 2 folds on each of the 4 panels. That works and testing is OK. This is the configuration of spires 1, 2, & 4 But the Bottom Spire 3 is shorter and I don't use the 1st 36 pixels and planning on defining them as Null pixels in the PIXCON16 configuration. I would start at pixel 37 (CHANNEL 109?) and use the next 114 pixels (342 channels) with 2 wraps (38 pixels per column). I would expect the total channels to be 450. But in this setup it shows the end channel to be on a different universe and ends on channel 46.

Can anyone explain how to put the image into the post rather than a link to a screenshot?


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