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Wizard of Oz Sequences


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Has anyone sequenced any of the songs from the Wizard of Oz?  I am looking for a few OZ sequences to add to my show this Halloween.  I would sincerely appreciate if anyone would be willing to share.  I am also looking for a sequence for a Wizard of Oz  song that may include 16 Section / Ribbon Pixel Megatree as well.  It was a last minute thought as my grandson asked me about it this weekend.  ANYTHING would be appreciated!  Thanks bunches!

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Well considering there are what now, 3?, 4?, or more? versions of "The Wizard of Oz" out there.

It would be of much better help to us, to let us know which Oz version (year?), as well as which songs you are actually looking for.

Personally, basing my info on the original version, I can't really place any songs that actually fit into the Halloween motif, with possibly the instrumental music when the Flying Monkeys attacked, but that's about the only music I can recall that may work for Halloween from the original movie.

So, a song list here would be very helpful.

Edited by Orville
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Follow the yellow brick road would be a good one to do.  I do not do scary type songs so this would be a good one to do because some many people know it.  We we have some stuff like monster mash and ghostbusters but  i do more whimsical songs and this could be one of them.  maybe willie wonka would fit too.  I have not done this song though. 



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Somewhere over the rainbow would be good too.  This gives me some inspiration to do sequencing.  i think these all would be great to do.  I have scarecrows that i set up in September and change costume for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  These could be fall songs to do.  


or if i had a brain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nauLgZISozs&pp=ygUnd2l6YXJkIG9mIG96IGlmIGkgb25seSBoYWQgYSBicmFpbiBzb25n


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Those would be great fall songs, since the OP didn't indicate whimsical, mellow, or scary/spooky music, is why I posted my reply.  With us knowing what music the OP is seeking, that helps everyone reading their post to what they want.

This way, if they provide a list of songs, we know exactly what they're looking for, and providing someone has sequenced it(them), and willing to share.  Then that would help them to get what they may be actually seeking.

Edited by Orville
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Thanks for the responses.  I too avoid super scarey and stick to fun stuff.  However, my grandson made me think about OZ.  I would love to have "Follow the Yellow Brick Road," "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead," The Winkie Guards doing the "Oh-ee-OH" would be cool, and possibly "Somewhere Over the Rainbow."  The tornado music would be pretty cool if I could get a tornado to appear on my 16 Mega Ribbon Tree.  I know, it's sortta late to start thinking about all of this, but when your 3 year old grandson suddenly asks, "Grandpa, can you do the Wizard of Oz?"  -- I just melt....kinda like the Wicked Witch!

Any help would be amazing!


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On 8/23/2023 at 3:00 PM, Orville said:

Those would be great fall songs, since the OP didn't indicate whimsical, mellow, or scary/spooky music, is why I posted my reply.  With us knowing what music the OP is seeking, that helps everyone reading their post to what they want.

This way, if they provide a list of songs, we know exactly what they're looking for, and providing someone has sequenced it(them), and willing to share.  Then that would help them to get what they may be actually seeking.

Thanks for the responses.  I too avoid super scarey and stick to fun stuff.  However, my grandson made me think about OZ.  I would love to have "Follow the Yellow Brick Road," "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead," The Winkie Guards doing the "Oh-ee-OH" would be cool, and possibly "Somewhere Over the Rainbow."  The tornado music would be pretty cool if I could get a tornado to appear on my 16 Mega Ribbon Tree.  I know, it's sortta late to start thinking about all of this, but when your 3 year old grandson suddenly asks, "Grandpa, can you do the Wizard of Oz?"  -- I just melt....kinda like the Wicked Witch!

Any help would be amazing!


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