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New victim to the Christmas Display madness - what's best "wizard" for create a DIY sequence?


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Just took advantage of the WowLights annual sale to get started.  Upgraded to Advance license on the sequencer software.  Did a Starter package with WowLights 5 sequences starter.  Hoping I can create some more sequences to music myself and wandering what the Beat, Tapper, and VU wizards (all available with Advance license) advantages are for a song with a strong 4/4 beat?  Going to try The Mavericks' "Hey, Merry Christmas" first.  Youtube for a preview of the music.

Also, while I own the CD of this, can Amazon Prime Music be used with the sequencer?  



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At the top of the forum is blue bar with "FAQ's - **LOOK HERE**

Under that will be a dropdown for Video Tutorials.  There are A bunch of videos explaining almost everything you wan to know about sequencing...

After you watch a bunch of the appropriate ones, you will still have questions.  Ask away.


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