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Roof and Windows


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I am brand new and have 4xQuestions

1. What is the MAX number of ROOFLINES can I connect together for 1xString (Total roof line is 76 feet)?

2. What is the MAX number of WINDOWS can I connect together for 1xString (3xWindows; 1 is 6x6 and 2 are 3x6)?

3. Best method to attach the 20x40 matrix to my house?

4. What is the best controller to use (Want to use RGBPlus lights [string or bullets?])

House Dimensions for Lights.jpg

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Famous words: Depends 😈

I use 12V bullets mounted on 3" centers. 12.5' per 50 nodes. 100 without Power injection is very doable.  (I don't like pushing limits (longer) and PI has its  own issues. Just more difficult to chase down issues)

IMHO place smaller (A pixie 16 is not your solution for most of your layout) controllers close. Think 'T' fed. (up to 100 Left (reverse) and 100 Right). Try and keep the cord between the controller to string under 15' (reduces voltage drop)

The 6x6  (~24')is 1 port of 100 nodes.  2 @ 3x6 is another (21' +12'), another port  The Matrix depends on NODES, not dimensions.  Same goes for stars: outline or filled. (eg HC is 90 nodes= 1 port)

The drip lines and garage door need to be calculated best break feed. You can just cut off excess nodes (at cut marks if strips) and splice them on the end of one that is just a few nodes short) .  Note: The only time I had issues reversing was with partial strings mixed with full on the same controller (Mostly if you want to use resolutions other than 50)

<slap> I had assumed standard Pixels.  (A quick peek at RGBPlus, make me think this is for small decorations like PC.

AC with LEDS is limited to how many can be connected end-to-end  Ports on AC are for independent control of what is plugged in.

Technically, you probably could plug in 2 long (max # per) strings into a single port (stack the plugs). A port has 8A limit. Note, yo do much of that and you need to have 2 Wall circuits as you will hit 15A real fast) 💡 Balance your big loads between BANKS (AC or DC ). Your sequence just needs to be told what Port the light are on

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Being as new as i am ....a few clarifications please: (Is the MAX pixels per Port 100 pixels?)

1. You: 12.5' per 50 nodes. 100 without Power injection is very doable.  Does this mean I can connect 6 strings of 50 node at 3" apart (approx 76 feet)?

2. For 'T' fed..Can I run 3xStrings Left and 3xStrings Right.  Not sure what this means as far as the controller Type I need to purchase.

3. I would like to start this off simple at first then grow the lights as time and money allow. (ie do the windows and rooflines this year )  It seems to me that I will need my computer and          4xControllers to finish my hose as it appears now.

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The big question for you to answer is what kind of lights are you planning on using?  Options:

1)  Traditional AC light strings - entire string behaves the same.  Can be single color or multi-color strings depending on the bulbs.  Can be LED or incandescent bulbs.

2)  Dumb Red/Green/Blue (RGB) strings - entire string behaves the same, but can be any color at any time.  Always LED.

3)  Smart RGB strings - every pixel can be completely controlled separately.  Always LED.

#1 is BY FAR the easiest to get started, but offers FAR less capability.  Good for starters.

#2 is a bit more involved to sequence because you have to think about what color to make each string.

#3 is a lot more involved to sequence because you have to think what every pixel is going to do.  Gives the most versatility

Each of those use different controllers with different capabilities and limitations.

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26 minutes ago, juricta said:

I would like to start this off simple at first then grow the lights as time and money allow. (ie do the windows and rooflines this year ) 

Good plan!

BTW, I would edit your forum profile to reflect what your location is.  It will help others know what weather conditions you need to deal with and also other somewhat local lighters that can give local assistance.


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170 per port is the max (some places say 200), BUT you need to power inject partway on each string. That needs extra care and tricks. (search for info )

Then you also run into the controller power limits PER BANK (32A)

In (#1), you seem to be missing my point . 100 nodes is 25' (my example spacing). (2 strings of 50 long) PER PORT

(a skimpy) 76' is 3 PORTS without power inject, but then our old enemy IR drop kicks in. The distance from controller to string START is LONG.

You want LONG RUNS, stick to AC strings.

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Thank all y'all for your input.  I will stick to SMART RGB for now.  I did update my profile.  I can shorten my Controller to String start anywhere from 10 to 25 feet.  If necessary, I might even be able to shorten that distance.

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Based on your statement to jump right to smart pixels, this is the way I would do it in your case - assuming staying with LOR controllers.

The two smaller windows are 18 feet, so a single string of 100 pixels with just over 2 inch spacing.  The larger window is 24 feet, so at the same spacing comes out to 133 pixels so split that into two strings or whatever pixel count is convenient.  The roofline is split into four strings (smaller peak, flat part, left larger part, and right larger part).  The garage door is two strings with the left half of the horizontal and left vertical and the right half on the second string.

For controllers, I would use a Pixie 8 on the right side that controls the left and right side of the roofline over the garage along with the two garage door strings.  That would use four of the ports, and leaves up to four ports for the future star over the garage.  I would put that controller either inside the window where the star will eventually be (if you have a way to get wiring through the window), or tucked right under the peak of the roof over the garage.  The second controller would most likely be a Pixie 16 placed right under the eves at the left end of the horizontal part of the roof.  That would use four ports for the three windows, and two ports for the horizontal part of the roofline and the smaller peak.  That would leave 10 ports for the future matrix and the center star.  A couple variations on that theme.  You could use a Pixie 8 instead of the Pixie 16 on left with the assumption that the matrix will have it's own controller when it is added.  The center star could also have it's own controller if preferred.

The windows appear to be vertical sliding windows.  If that's the case, it is REALLY easy to get wiring through the window.  That lets you put the controller inside (out of weather, and usually easier access to power).

Other options available.


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at 2" spacing the 3x6 window will use 102 Pixels

at 2" spacing the 6x6 window will use 138 Pixel

The 16 foot garage door opening at 3" spacing will use 120 Pixels (180 Pixels at 2")

the 20x40 matrix is a 4 foot x 8 foot sheet - 800 Pixel

76 foot Roofline at 2" spacing is 457 Pixels (305 Pixels at 3')

Really should consider Pixels on small upper dormer roof and window...

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That's why I said just over 2 inch spacing on the windows - 2.16 to be picky...


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Is there a reason not to use Pixie 16 on both controllers? Also, how bad (voltage drop) would it be if I placed the controllers in the garage with 15-25 foot extensions?  Do you thing the star will take 4xPorts by itself?

Thanks for all the help.

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1 hour ago, juricta said:

Is there a reason not to use Pixie 16 on both controllers?

You certainly could, but very little reason to do so.  As a general rule of thumb with pixels, you are better off with several smaller controllers closer to the props rather than one big one with long cable runs.

1 hour ago, juricta said:

how bad (voltage drop) would it be if I placed the controllers in the garage with 15-25 foot extensions? 

A lot of that depends on how many pixels are being driven on the port.  Also the pixel types (although that's not as much of an issue most of the time these days).  Back in the old days, some of the pixel types were only good for five to ten feet before the data degraded enough to not be useful.  These days, 25 feet is likely not going to be much of a problem from a data standpoint, and if the strings are not TOO long, and you use decent sized wire, power won't be that much of a problem. 

Standard advise is to try the wire lengths that you plan on using with the pixels that you will be driving and see.  For testing power issues, turn the pixels on to full 100% white and look for a color shift at the end of the string.  With most pixels, if voltage is getting low, the white will take on a more pink shade.

1 hour ago, juricta said:

Do you thing the star will take 4xPorts by itself?

You have not told us what the star will be, so we can't answer the question.  My star is 270 pixels and I have it arranged as three strings of 90 pixels.  That works well because the six "rings" of the star are 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 & 70 pixels, so 20 + 70 = 90, and 30 + 60 = 90, and 40 + 50 = 90.  Makes it easy.  I will point out that my star and the pixel tree that it's on top of are using 5 volt pixels (more sensitive to voltage issues), and I need power injection at the end of each string.  Likely not an issue with 12 volt pixels.  BTW, this is the star I am using:  https://boscoyostudio.com/product/chromastar-36/


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Added link to star
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