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Standalone playing a sequence with motion effects


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I have a simple sequence I created with motion effects. I want to play it standalone in my Pixie16D controller.

I need to save it as an LAS file. But, motion effects cannot be saved there -- only channel effects.

Is there a way to "convert" my motion effects to channel effects and save it in a format that can be played standalone?

(I thought I was on the right track in S5 by creating a "playback" file. But, I don't see that option in S6 and the export sequence option in S6 gives me the error about motion effects.)

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I don't believe you can.

Also note that the controllers when used for StandAlone operation are very limited in number of commands that they can store.  Unless it's a very small number of pixels or a very simple sequence, you would run out of room for storing the sequence on the controller.


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Thanks for confirming. 

Turns out it was easy to pull my MP3 Director from another location and cable it directly to the controller for this portable use. (Figured out to put the jumper on JP2 to get the Pixie16D to power the Director.)

Now I am (essentially) stand-alone!


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