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S6, How to set the port that controls the show

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Hi guys, today is a bad day, my SSD where I had all the sequences and the pc that controlled the show just broke, so I'm doing it all over again on the pc I use personally. Now I find that all non-pixcon16 cards don't work for me, when I used HU to configure the ports, not knowing what the ID #1 usb was, when asked if the port was the main one of the show, I clicked on no. Now, if I remember correctly, without that the regulare and various aux tabs won't start. In S4 you also set them on the general screen of the pixcon16, here I can no longer identify the thing. I'm going crazy, but I can't. Somebody help me, please. I always thank you all, you are a beautiful family...........of madmen, like me. ;-)


Here is the best way to positively identify comm port assignments for each of your LOR USB to RS-485 adapters.

1)  Unplug ALL LOR adapters from the computer

2)  Open the Windows Device Manager and expand the section for ports.

3)  Plug in ONE of your LOR USB to RS-485 adapters.  Note which comm port shows up in the list in the Device Manager.

4)  If you have more than one LOR USB to RS-485 adapter, repeat step 3 for each adapter - ONE AT A TIME.

5)  Open LOR Network Preferences (sorry, no0t in front of an S6 computer right now so can't tell you exactly where it is, but I recall it was pretty easy to find.  In the LOR network section, assign the comm port numbers that you determined in the Device Manager to each LOR network.  Save it.

6)  In the Hardware Utility NEVER EVER press the button to Auto-select the network to control the show.  If you get the popup message asking if you want the HU to set the show network, answer NO, and check the box to never ask again.


6 hours ago, k6ccc said:

Here is the best way to positively identify comm port assignments for each of your LOR USB to RS-485 adapters.

1)  Unplug ALL LOR adapters from the computer

2)  Open the Windows Device Manager and expand the section for ports.

3)  Plug in ONE of your LOR USB to RS-485 adapters.  Note which comm port shows up in the list in the Device Manager.

4)  If you have more than one LOR USB to RS-485 adapter, repeat step 3 for each adapter - ONE AT A TIME.

5)  Open LOR Network Preferences (sorry, no0t in front of an S6 computer right now so can't tell you exactly where it is, but I recall it was pretty easy to find.  In the LOR network section, assign the comm port numbers that you determined in the Device Manager to each LOR network.  Save it.

6)  In the Hardware Utility NEVER EVER press the button to Auto-select the network to control the show.  If you get the popup message asking if you want the HU to set the show network, answer NO, and check the box to never ask again.


Good morning Jim. I think that unfortunately I clicked it, as I said in the previous post, because I didn't know what the com of ID#1 was here. In fact now, when the schedule starts, the lights in e1.31 work, while those with the adapter don't. I've tried and tried, searched the manuals and online, but haven't found anything to fix this. How can I do??? He practically he doesn't ask me what's the com ordering the show anymore. This afternoon at 18.00 an association of handicapped children arrives, I don't want to disappoint them. I would be grateful. Hello Pierpaolo


Follow the steps I gave you.  Having did the auto-select is not an issue, just follow the steps.  Once you figure out the correct comm port number and set it in Network Preferences, Never hit the auto-select - hence the reason it was the last step.



I tried, it always gives me the same ports. I noticed that the lights of the ID 1-2-11-12 work, which are 2 1608 and 2 cmb24, while the ids 15 25 35, which are all pixie16 do not work, even if I send them with the sequencer

Posted (edited)

since yesterday afternoon I've been on the pc, and I can't get it to go, now after I redid your procedure, on HU it asked me if it was the show door and I said ok, 20 bulbs light up on 25 channels of 100 bulbs , always those, but he did this even before doing the procedure. it also did it to me when I started the installation, but I don't remember the reason and how I solved it. I got stoned

Edited by Pioerpaolo
8 hours ago, Pioerpaolo said:

I tried, it always gives me the same ports. I noticed that the lights of the ID 1-2-11-12 work, which are 2 1608 and 2 cmb24, while the ids 15 25 35, which are all pixie16 do not work, even if I send them with the sequencer

Did you remember to count in Hex? 

15 (16,17,18,19,1A,1B,1C,1D,1E,1F,20,21,22,23,24) IS #1 Pixie 16 ✔️

25 (26,27,28,29,2A,2B,2C,2E,2F,30,31,32,33,34)  IS #2 Pixie 16 ✔️

35 (36,37,38,39,3A,3B,3C,3D,3E,3F,40,41,42,43,44,)  IS #3 Pixie 16 ✔️

(I prefer to use natural Hex boundaries. It makes it easy to see when I mess up. A controller is always in the same MSB)


23 minutes ago, TheDucks said:

Ti sei ricordato di contare in Hex? 

15 (16,17,18,19,1A,1B,1C,1D,1E,1F,20,21,22,23,24) IS #1 Pixie 16 ✔️

25 (26,27,28,29,2A,2B,2C,2E,2F,30,31,32,33,34)  IS #2 Pixie 16 ✔️

35 (36,37,38,39,3A,3B,3C,3D,3E,3F,40,41,42,43,44,)  IS #3 Pixie 16 ✔️

(Preferisco usare i confini esadecimali naturali. Rende facile vedere quando sbaglio. Un controller è sempre nello stesso MSB)


in theory yes, now I'll check, I moved everything from the pc that broke the ssd, everything should be the same, but I hadn't thought of this, thanks

Posted (edited)

poi, innanzitutto grazie, senza la tua annotazione starei ancora a sbattere la testa contro gli angoli dei muri di casa. La cosa che mi fa venire i brividi di più è che passare da S4 a S6 questa cosa mi era già successa all'inizio e l'ho sistemata. Purtroppo dopo che il pc della trasmissione si è rotto, ho dato per scontato che l'anteprima fosse quella che stavo già visualizzando mentre il problema c'era tutto e non ci sono arrivato da solo.Poi, quando mi capitano queste cose, dopo un po' che non trovo la soluzione, vado nel panico, ho tutti i manuali in inglese che traduco in italiano, a volte mi è difficile capire i termini tecnici o meglio i modi di dire, che magari tradotti fanno ridere, per il forum la stessa cosa e in più non sempre sei reperibile per via del fuso orario, qui in Italia siamo 4 gatti e non ci si conosce e quindi non c'è condivisione di esperienze, penso che ogni anno questa sia la mia strada Natale crucis, ogni anno c'è sempre qualcosa, mai che mi goda lo spettacolo con i miei nipoti o con le persone che vengono a trovarmi.Con questo non voglio dire nulla, è solo uno sfogo personale, e comunque grazie sempre a tutti, credo davvero che questo forum sia davvero come una famiglia, vorrei che accadesse anche qui in Italia, speriamo che la gente che gira del cervello girino a testa in giù ahahahah. davvero, ma davvero molte grazie a tutti voi del forum, senza di voi sarei ancora in grado di reggere la candela, nel vero senso della parola. ;-) Spero che tu capisca la traduzione. 


Edited by Pioerpaolo

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