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Only the first AC Controller shows up in the Hardware utility,

Eddie Hanebuth

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I am using S6 Pro   I have five AC controllers,  I am running them on a 115K network (Not Enhanced)  the Hardware controller only sees the first controller  in the chain.  All the link lights are red as if they are connected but non of the other controllers how up  


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7 minutes ago, Eddie Hanebuth said:

I am using S6 Pro   I have five AC controllers,  I am running them on a 115K network (Not Enhanced)  the Hardware controller only sees the first controller  in the chain.  All the link lights are red as if they are connected but non of the other controllers how up  


Check the ID on each. A solid red implies the LOR network is seen.

You need to do the SET action using HU, ONLY ONE CONTROLLER CONNECTED (you may have used the first selection, which does not need the OLD ID) at a time.


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I will try that....  These controllers have the rotary hardware switch so you can just turn a screw and change the setting.  I have not changed these setting for years...  

That did not do anything..



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Now, only the first controller in the chain will control lights   the second controller shows that it is connected to the Hardware utility but will not control lights.  the third controller in the chain has the link light but does not show in the hardware utility.    Help!!!

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No can read (Really old eyes here)

What is the number in the upper Right   (1F will be fine for an AC only system) That just shortens the scan time by only looking for EXPECTED ID's

(Mine is set to 47 because I have a Pixie at 40. Scan takes over a minute)

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You have 2 (or more issues)

HU does not use the Network settings, so it runs at slow speed non-enhanced.

Try each by itself. BTW make sure the jacks are not loose. If one is, put that controller  last in the chain.

💡 Get an 8pin (RJ45) coupler to allow you to bypass a device.  eg https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07CZGCZPM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Your second issue:

OTOH Network configuration DOES control for Sequence.

1) Check the FW version for all controllers. I would bump them to the latest ALLOWED

2)Use the network configuration tool, lower the speed  (115K should be enough for AC types) and NO enhanced.

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