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Interactive Shows


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Hi all,

First time setting up an interactive show and the tutorials are all based on the older versions of software.

Currently I am at:  LOR 6.1.0

I setup a sequence and then went into the CP and created a show.

On the interactive tab I Added the Interactive Group Properties as Jukebox

Selected the trigger on my input pup channel 1

Saved the show

Then I went into Play Shows -> Show player 

I was looking at how to add the show as On Demand and could not figure out how to do that.

When I tried to add the show file it would just disappear on me and in the Player Log it shows the LSS as starting and ending within a second ... Nothing ever happens so it is as if nothing is ever played.


Has anyone run into this?  I am probably doing something wrong because the software has changed.


Much appreciate any information.


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I use interactive shows every night year round using Jukebox type interactives, so I should be able to help

2 hours ago, filetme said:

I was looking at how to add the show as On Demand and could not figure out how to do that.

On the S6 Control Panel, select Play Shows on the left.  Near the top where it says "Current Show", to the right of that is a circle with an "!" in it.  Chick that to request a Show on Demand.


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To continue...

Here are a few screen captures of my Evening landscape show.  Hopefully this will help.  As I normally do, if the image does not imbed, there is a direct link to that image below each image.

Here is the Interactive tab for my Year-round_Evening show.  There is one interactive group called Steps and it has three triggers:



In this image, I have selected the Steps interactive group, and the first trigger has been selected.  Especially if you have multiple input triggers in use, I do recommend putting a useful name for that trigger.  It makes it easier to troubleshoot in the Player Log.  In my case, the name indicates that this input is Unit ID 09, channel 05 and is my Front Door.  When that trigger is tripped, it will play the sequence "Steps up from door 2022-0209".  This causes the RGB strips under my front porch steps to ramp up from top to bottom for 1 minute.



Here is an extract from the player log that shows that interactive in use:

2022-10-16 22:26:50    Player    Information    Trigger detected: In 09:05 Front door
2022-10-16 22:26:50    Player    Information    Starting Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit
2022-10-16 22:26:55    Player    Information    Trigger detected: In 09:05 Front door
2022-10-16 22:27:07    Player    Information    Trigger detected: In 09:07 Walkway west
2022-10-16 22:27:08    Player    Information    Trigger detected: In 09:07 Walkway west
2022-10-16 22:27:50    Player    Information    Stopping Interactive: L:\Sequences\Year round landscaping\Steps up from door 2022-02-09.loredit

At 22:26:50 I walked out the front door which caused the Steps up from door sequence to start.  Note that if a trigger is continuous, the InputPup will resend the trigger every 5 seconds.  So you can see that at 22:26:55, the InputPup sent the trigger, but because this is a Jukebox type interacve group and there was already a sequence playing in the group, the trigger was ignored.  Similarly, at 22:27:07 and 22:27:08 a different input was triggered (In 09:07 Walkway west), but those were also ignored because the Steps up from door sequence was already playing.

Does this help?


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1 hour ago, k6ccc said:

I use interactive shows every night year round using Jukebox type interactives, so I should be able to help

On the S6 Control Panel, select Play Shows on the left.  Near the top where it says "Current Show", to the right of that is a circle with an "!" in it.  Chick that to request a Show on Demand.


I did that but the interactive show starts and stops almost immediately without playing anything.  Then it disappears from the currently playing list.

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Do the sequences need to be in the main tab?  Or can the main be empty and all we have is the sequence being triggered in the interactive tab?

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3 minutes ago, k6ccc said:

Can you post an extract from the show player log?


I wish I could but it is on another air gapped device.  I can tell you that the log says that the show starts and stops ... and that is it.

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1 hour ago, filetme said:

Do the sequences need to be in the main tab?  Or can the main be empty and all we have is the sequence being triggered in the interactive tab?


1 hour ago, filetme said:

I wish I could but it is on another air gapped device.  I can tell you that the log says that the show starts and stops ... and that is it.

Copy the extract to a thumb drive and move it to your internet connected device.

Am I gathering that you have absolutely no sequences other than what you put in the interactive group?  Try creating a dummy sequence that uses a preview that only has one dummy (non existent) channel.  Add that dummy sequence to the main tab of your show.


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Still working on this ... after I finished my workday I went onsite to gather the logs and my computer blue screened on me :S

I am wondering if my issue could be a licensing one.

I am currently v6.1.0 Pro ... Should interactive work for that license level?


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On 10/17/2022 at 10:43 AM, k6ccc said:

Can you post an extract from the show player log?


After days of fighting with other things I can finally get back to this issue.

Here is the log:

2022-10-21 12:10:55 PM    Scheduler    Information    Schedule loaded
2022-10-21 12:10:56 PM    Scheduler    Information    Enable schedule requested
2022-10-21 12:13:33 PM    Scheduler    Information    Request received to start show on demand: C:\Users\apegnb\Documents\Light-O-Rama\Sequences\aliensmoke.lss, Plays continuously
2022-10-21 12:13:33 PM    Player    Information    C:\Users\apegnb\Documents\Light-O-Rama\Sequences\aliensmoke.lss - Playback File Initialization
2022-10-21 12:13:33 PM    Player    Information    Creating new playback file because it was out of date by 2.3 days: C:\Users\apegnb\Documents\Light-O-Rama\Sequences\DMXLights_P2.loredit
2022-10-21 12:13:33 PM    Player    Information    Started show: C:\Users\apegnb\Documents\Light-O-Rama\Sequences\aliensmoke.lss
2022-10-21 12:13:33 PM    Player    Information    Finished show: C:\Users\apegnb\Documents\Light-O-Rama\Sequences\aliensmoke.lss

Is there any reason why this would just load ... trigger once and then close instead of providing trigger sensor .... until I stop the show?  it seems to trigger once and then close the show.




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My guess as suggested a couple days ago was because there is nothing in the show except the interactive.  Create a preview that only has one non-existent channel and sequence that uses that preview.  Add that to the show.

Heck, I made it easy.  I built a dummy preview and a dummy sequence for you.  Go to http://newburghlights.org/share/filetme/

Download the two files and save them in the appropriate places.  The dummy channel is on Unit ID 99 channel 1 (which I am going to guess is not used by you).


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8 minutes ago, k6ccc said:

My guess as suggested a couple days ago was because there is nothing in the show except the interactive.  Create a preview that only has one non-existent channel and sequence that uses that preview.  Add that to the show.

Heck, I made it easy.  I built a dummy preview and a dummy sequence for you.  Go to http://newburghlights.org/share/filetme/

Download the two files and save them in the appropriate places.  The dummy channel is on Unit ID 99 channel 1 (which I am going to guess is not used by you).


Not that I should have doubted you but that totally worked.  Thanks so much!   Now if I can just figure out why the routine won't stop running after the trigger is complete


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A good one Jim ... working like a charm 3 nights in ... Still 10 nights to go ... so got it working in plenty of time.

Very much appreciated.

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