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Pixels will not turn on.

RKW Nevada Lights

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I cannot get my pixels to turn on I tried in control panel / test lights, and I tried in hardware nothing comes on. I am running a AlphaPix Flex with 3 long range boards. Everything worked fine last Christmas. I updated to Verson 6.1.2 and now I can't get them to turn on.  I can turn all the lights on with the AlphaPix so that leads me to believe the problem is with the program.

Any Ideas? 

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@RKW Nevada Lights

Can you ping the IP address of the controller?

Does the IP address of the controller match what is set in network preferences for LOR?

Are The universes are correct?

Do all The universes match up in your preview for your props?

Is control lights turned on?

What is 6.1.2? Controller firmware? When updating the Alpha's, it will erase your controller settings.

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Can you ping the IP address of the controller?  - yes

Does the IP address of the controller match what is set in network preferences for LOR? - yes

Are The universes are correct? yes, they are correct.

Do all The universes match up in your preview for your props? - yes, they do.

Is control lights turned on? Yes, it is.

What is 6.1.2? Controller firmware? When updating the Alpha's, it will erase your controller settings. I did not update the AlpaPix I updated LOR from 5 to 6.1.2 

6.1.2 is Light O Rama's latest release.

Thank you for responding. 

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In S6 do you have to open the Control Panel separately or does it automatically open with the program? Control Panel/Comm Listener must be running for E1.31 to work.

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Depends on how you open stuff.  If you open the Sequencer directly from the start menu or a desktop shortcut, that does not cause the Control Panel to open.  If you start the CP and then get to Sequencer from the CP, obviously the CP is open and running.  In full disclosure, I normally open Sequencer directly from a desktop shortcut.


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Following as I have the exact same problem running S6 6.1.2.   Able to ping the E1.31 controller and go into FPP and turn lights on and off.  Device is added as a network in the CP using the same address that I can ping too.   Its status is green.  However, the testing tab nor a sequence is able to turn on lights.

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I just posted this in another thread, but I just confirmed that 6.1.2 is playing to my P5 & P10 matrix panels (108 universes of E1.31) both from Sequencer and the Show Player.  My file server (that runs the landscape show) has dumb RGB via LOR networks and is also driving the lights.


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I rolled back to version 5.6.6 it did not help. I'm Able to ping the E1.31 controller, its status is green.  However, the testing program nor a sequence is able to turn on lights. I can light the lights using the test setting from the controller itself, and I can turn on the lights from the light controller from my computer. But not using the LOR hardware utility or the sequencer. I tried starting the control panel first. It made no difference I also tried opening everything in different ways to no avail. 

The strange thing is I found I can turn lights if that universe is not being used in the sequencer! 

Any idea, I'm lost I have tried everything that I can think of, I would be happy to send photos are anything that may help with this problem.




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Does the AlphaPix have a status display that shows number of received packets?  If yes, is the AlphaPix showing that packets are being received?


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13 hours ago, RKW Nevada Lights said:

I don't see anything showing packets.

Do you have teamviewer enabled on your machine? If so, PM me your number.

I will remote in and take a look at your settings.

Edited by gsmith37064
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