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S6 android app


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So, I have S6 installed and running. I have both my PC and my android device connected to the internet, even the same network. The PC shows a cloud with an exclamation point and when I hoover it says "Waiting for phone connection".

On my phone I typed the same name and license info, it also has the cloud with exclamation point, but when I press it, it doesn't do anything. I get the error in red, Login failed: An unexpected error occurred while trying to retrieve your licenses.


Is this a LOR issue or am I missing something on my end?


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I have a similar problem, I can login but it never connects to my computer.


Edited by Daryl Hurd
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I figured it out. I had to turn off the cloud on my PC control panel then logout of the phone.

Then turn on the cloud on the control panel and then log into my phone.

Seemed to pickup fine after reseting it.



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Ok, decide to force stop the app, then delete data, then delete any saved LOR login info. Then uninstalled the app.

Rebooted my phone, reinstalled and did a copy and paste of all the info from the emailed license info. Now it works. Not as cool of an app as I thought it would be, but it's something new to play with.

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