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Scheduling calendar


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Please forward this to the 6.0 Beta team for consideration regarding the Scheduling module in Version 6.0 Beta
I currently run two different shows alternating on even and odd days of the months of November and December. When I schedule these shows, I must use the calendar view and enter each show individually on each calendar day, i.e. Odd day show gets associated with each odd days in Nov and Dec. The same with the Even day show being associated with all even days of Nov and Dec. It is a bit cumbersome since I cannot simply choose the days of the week (Mon Wed Fri), since they fall on even and odd days every other week. I did not find the calendar option where I can schedule each day in 6.0 Beta as I am currently using in Ver 5.0. If it is there, please let me know where I have missed it. If it is not available in 6.0, then please consider incorporating it in the final release. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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4 hours ago, countrywise said:

I did not find the calendar option where I can schedule each day in 6.0 Beta

It's there, albeit maybe more cumbersome than S5.

  1. Go to the "Create Shows" window in the Control Panel.
  2. Edit your show (importing it first if you haven't already done that).
  3. In the "Edit Show" dialog, go to "Dates & Times" under the "Schedule" section.
  4. Click "Add".
  5. Select the same Start Date and End Date (e.g. 11/25/2022).
  6. Enter a Start Time and End Time.
  7. Leave all Days of Week checked.
  8. Repeat steps 4-7 for each (odd) day (e.g. 11/27/2022) you want the show to play.
  9. Click "Save".
Edited by Steven
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I just tried Steven's method and it looks like it should work fine.  After you're done, far easier to see what the schedule is.

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