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Skew Question

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Okay, so I'm modifying a sequence to fit my layout and I had to skew the track to the left quite a bit to get it to match up. It's a 4 minute song. Now the first two minutes are PERFECT, but when I get to the second half it needs skewed a bit more - but if I skew the whole thing it'll ALL be out of whack.

I don't want the time I've spent on this to be wasted :P How can I fix it?!


Sounds like cut and paste are your only options for the second two minutes.


Oh no! Say it's not so!!

I guess I'll suffer through so the first two minutes wasn't in vain, but the problem is that whoever did this one didn't just put regular intervals in. I guess they tapped it? So the timing itself is all messed up. The blocks aren't right for me to just 'back up' a few spaces. Did that make sense? :shock:


First what format is your song in? wav or mp3?

IF mp3 make sure it is constant bit rate.

If not constant bit rate us audacity to make it constant bit rate of 128.

Then see if your music lines up with the sequence.



It's an mp3 and I ran it through audacity and it seems to line up now *IF* I play the full range.

If I do 'visible screen only' so I can tinker with it, the music is WAY off. That might sound silly, but I replicated this half a dozen times before coming back to tell you about it. Hah :( I think I'm LOR fried for the night! lol


Not lining up in play view is a known issue. The issue as i understand has to do with window media player having difficulty knowing exact timing to start playing on a mp3. I have read many people talk about doing there sequencing with a wav file and then converting.

Glad to hear that it is working for you.



You might also want to make sure that you've got a current version of windows media player. I was having some wierd things happen from time to time and after upgrading my copy, everything's fine now.

I'm only minimally familiar with the tapper (personally, I'm a beat wizard fan) but I can see your problem, and don't know any tricks to help you. There are a lot of people here who are tapper pros, so hopefully someone will have an answer.

Have you thought about removing all the timing marks from the last half, and then inserting, say .05 second timings in that segment? Then you could select a specific range of cells and move them all "back" to line up. Once you have your starting point, you could use the paste by time command instead of the paste by cell, and is should all line up. I think...

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