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Computer Died

Dennis Laff

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My computer died !  Any recommendation on a desktop  using S5 with lots of pixels  Thanks Dennis 

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Pretty much any modern desktop with Win 10 or 11 will work. Really depends on your budget. But, the better the graphics adaptor and faster processor will always be better. 

Min 16 GB ram preferred.

Fast SSD, M2 on motherboard.

Get a decent graphics card, I use an Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB which is now several years old but works fine with Sequencer and Preview. 

Get a proper tower, no compact form factors, as they are easier to upgrade.

For show playback only, a very low spec machine is adequate.

If you find something online, post the specs here and we can take a look.


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43 minutes ago, Dennis Laff said:

My computer died !  Any recommendation on a desktop  using S5 with lots of pixels  Thanks Dennis 

As a show computer or for sequencing?

As a show computer, almost anything will work.

For sequencing, I echo what Phil said - get a really good graphics card and multiple monitors.  I have a GTX1070 in mine with four 24 inch monitors.  It is not unusual to be using three of them for sequencing.


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That's assuming you can find a graphics card as all the idiots are trying to make a fast buck mining Bitcoin.

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Thanks Phil and Jim    Heres what i had HP Pavilion 690-c gaming computer  worked great but only lasted 2 years HP wanted $1900.00 dollars to repair   So I would like to buy something similar but in a different brand.

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I've had a few HP computers over the years and never had any real problems with them, but I have heard some horror stories.


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2 hours ago, PhilMassey said:

What failed on the HP Dennis?

Might be possible to fix it and for a lot less than 1900.

'Gaming' and they see big bux . Dennis, do you game? High end gaming require insane fast video. LOR just wants lots of VRAM (on the card vs shared wit the MoBo) for sequencing. A Vanilla Video card is all you need for a 'Show only' computer.

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Ducks No i don't game but have 4 grand kids that would come and use it that why i bought it plus thought it would be good for sequencing and running the show from same computer. And it was good till it broke .

Phil  what happened it started making a lot of noise when it was running ,and then the blue screen would come on and say there is no operating system installed  i would restart computer a couple of times then it would be ok for a few days then starting getting worse till it would not come on Sent in for repairs they said they would have to install windows 10 and that the video card was bad and a few other things i;d have to find the paper work for specifics   but they said the video card was proprietary to that machine and it was $1600.00 (NVIDA GEFORCE GTX 1660)  Thanks Guys  Dennis

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8 hours ago, Dennis Laff said:

Ducks No i don't game but have 4 grand kids that would come and use it that why i bought it plus thought it would be good for sequencing and running the show from same computer. And it was good till it broke .

Phil  what happened it started making a lot of noise when it was running ,and then the blue screen would come on and say there is no operating system installed  i would restart computer a couple of times then it would be ok for a few days then starting getting worse till it would not come on Sent in for repairs they said they would have to install windows 10 and that the video card was bad and a few other things i;d have to find the paper work for specifics   but they said the video card was proprietary to that machine and it was $1600.00 (NVIDA GEFORCE GTX 1660)  Thanks Guys  Dennis

That sounds (Pun intended) like a:  I lean to #1 and LINTED vents

1) bad HD. fairly rare if treated nice (well cooled, not dropped).  A SSD is under $100, You can download W10 from Microsoft (if you don't have a recovery backup)

2) bad CPU fan (clogged caused bearings to fail) CPU overheat will manifest as all kinds of errors. New CPU coolers (remember the paste) are easy.

3) bad CHIPSET fan (gamer machines can have those)

4) Bad PSU Fan.  (dirty power results in HD errors)

5) Bad Graphics fan

ALL Fans should be Ball Bearing models (not sleeve)

ALSO (to late for now) If the computer sits near the floor, you need to clean all vents and fans regularly (~6 months if No pets). Get a cheap 'chip brush' (natural bristles , NOT synthetic.

Vacuum, brush and blow (low pressure) Gently hold-stop the fan blades when using compressed air: Overspeed can damage them

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Amen to cleaning a computer!

My family room computer sits on the floor (no walking traffic near it) and it is amazing how much dust accumulates in it.  I take it outside about twice a year and blow it out with compressed air - with the regulator set to about 25 PSI  Clean anything you can get to.  The server and show computers are in a semi-sealed cabinet with dedicated air conditioning with it's filter (get's cleaned every three months - calendar event), so it's fairly clean.  But the server runs 24x7 and the show computer does so for about 3 months.  In October, the server and show computer get the same cleaning treatment.  At the same time, the 24 port network switch, and router also get a cleaning.  The router is easy since it's essentially a sealed box with an external heat sink.  The switch is ventilated with a fan, so it gets dust inside.  There are also three Raspberry Pi computers and some radios that get a cleaning.

Anything that has a cooling fan will accumulate dust unless your equipment is in a clean room.


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Well cleaning was not the problem computer sat on top of a desk in a room used as an office  i would open computer case every two months and blow  out with a can of compressed air .

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Good for you.  You would be amazed at how dirty some people's computers are.

Sorry the easy answer was not the solution...


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27 minutes ago, Dennis Laff said:

Well cleaning was not the problem computer sat on top of a desk in a room used as an office  i would open computer case every two months and blow  out with a can of compressed air .

You might try a boot from a Linux Live CD (I favor Linux Mint, Cinnamon desktop) or flash drive. No installation needed.

There are disk tools to check the SMART and other (assume the drive is not the source of nasty noises) hardware. PARTED allows changing the partitions without wiping.


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In all probability, it probably was the hard drive. Bearings fail, heads crash...that would account for the no OS loaded.

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Dennis whatever you do I would recommend changing out HDD's to SSD's. No moving parts and speeds up the pc as well. I have been down your road a few times if you can recall. Now every computer I have has nothing but SSD's. 

Sorry about your computer crash.


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Hi J.R actually got it going today .  Increased the ram to 32000  and swapped  out the hard  drive for solid state and since starting over downloaded Windows 11 so now to add all the LOR files back . you know Christmas is just around the corner. how you feeling ? Better i hope   Thanks Dennis 

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