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Need help with 8 channel face converting to a 24x30 matrix


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I have face sequencings made in old S4 that I would like to convert and put into my matrix in my S5 anybody know if that's possible?

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Did you use the "auto singing faces" feature in SuperStar to make the face sequences in S4?

Regardless, you can create face elements in Superstar and use "auto singing faces" to move the mouth in face on your matrix in S5. Have you used the "auto singing face" feature in superstar?


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  • 4 weeks later...

hi, so i tried to make new faces and put into s5. so that i can use the auto singing faces. i was able to get everything working with ralphie and the other 3 lor faces. however they end up being sequenced in rgb. i have 16 legacy controllers with 8 channel incadescent bulb christmas tree faces. when i try  to auto sequence it will save data to the sequence but during playback it wont control my faces. i cannot figure out what setting i am missing to for it to control my faces. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks

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i just realized this is wrong post i was able to do what i asked in this thread already. thanks what i am now trying to do is make a new song with legacy based 4 faces, i have done it in the past in S4. with brians help. but i dont remember how to do it. i am close i am just missing some thing but not sure what it is. any help would be great.

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The mouth movements just turn on the Mouth Section...  It does not matter if RGB Prop or Incan Prop.... Does not matter if Zulu, Incandescent Face or matrix....  You are just going to use the movements on that prop...

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Ultimately, in order to control your lights the prop definition has to match your actual lights. Are you saying you got this all to work in S4? And you are trying to get it to work in S5?

It might be easiest if I remote into your computer and give you a hand.

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yes brian, thats exactly what you did for me last time. you had remoted in and got it working. i do have your phone number just let me know if i can call you and what time thanks

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