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Motion Effect Files


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To work on the existing sequences on a different computer, I copied the entire LOR subdirectory and then paste it in the same position in the other computer.  However, when I open the sequences I get a number of errors saying the motion effect files weren't found but it doesn't give an option to point to them.  Anyone else run across this?

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What I'm suspecting is that the directory you placed the files into isn't 100% the same. "My Documents" links to a specific folder in your User Directory. If your username is different on the two machines, then you will be in a different directory on each computer.

After you open the sequence look in the "Sequence" menu for "File References" and you will be able to pick the correct location.

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when I go to file references nothing shows up in the top dialog box and it won't allow me to change the directory without selecting a file.  

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If you have no subsequences, there wouldn't be anything in the top box.

You have to choose the files that you are going to specify the new location of. It could be that you have the files in different locations (Which you personally probably don't.) and if there wasn't a way to choose which ones you want to change, you'd be changing them all every time.

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I'm with Don on this one - the directory structure is not the same on the two computers.

I have a work around if you want it.


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