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LOREDIT to FSEQ files for Falcon PI


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So I am currently using S5 Pro and want to run my show with a Falcon PI. In order to play the sequence file I need to export it to an LMS file the use XLIGHTS to convert it to an FSEQ file which never works... HELP PLEASE

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This isn't an XLights forum. You would need to ask them via whatever support channels they offer.

However, if you think the error is in the export of the sequence to the LMS, then please let us know.

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Actually he already had posted it in the Falcon forum.  I was the only one who responded, and suggested that it was not worth the effort to do all the conversions just to be able to use a RasPi.  He wants to continue to sequence in LOR S5 - good for him....


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My personal opinion is that a PC to run a show is less expensive than a director, and far more capable.  You couldn't get me to change my show to run on a Director.

To run a show does not take all that much of a PC.  So many people upgrade computers often enough that PCs from a couple years ago are almost give away items.  I'm using a refurb desktop from TigerDirect.com that works fine for my 66K channels.


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+1 - I much prefer computer over director. Sometimes it's just more practical to run a director, but I still prefer computer over director.

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