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RGB Prop Carry overs

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I need a little help. I have a holiday Coro Pixel Singing Tree that I have been using dumb Pixels for the past 5 years. I am converting it to All Smart pixels and I am having a little issue creating the S5 prop.  I will be using a Pixie 2 Controller with 150 pixels on each string. I have created a Custom prop That has a total of 282 pixels. I have the prop set to unit 42 with a max circuits set at 450 witch is 150 pixels. that Leaves 396 carry over circuits. How do I get the Carry over circuits assigned to the second controller of unit ID 43? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T-06CxB2OPnwsU-r1e5hkOP7jS1qT7eu/view?usp=sharing

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That is exactly what it will do.  The wording is not very good in my opinion.

If you don't believe it, create a single channel dummy prop (like a traditional bulb) and assign it to unit 43, channel 396.  You will get a channel conflict and it will tell you what the conflict is with.  Change the dummy prop to channel 397 and the conflict will go away.  Delete the dummy prop.


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On 10/12/2021 at 3:29 PM, MattBrown said:

An explanation of the Carryover column with examples can be found at the bottom of this page:



Thanks Matt. I read the info and it did say the carry over will be assigned to the next universe in DMX but I am using 2 pixie II controllers with 150 pixels (450 circuits) per string. I have downloaded the GE spooky Tree 394 Pixel prop and it comes with no controller assignment. there are already motion effects assigned to the mouth movements and parts of the tree I want to use. when I change the controller to LOR and 450 max circuit. the info now shows one unit #01 with 732 carry over. Since I checked Separate Unit ID for each RGB string (150 Pixels), does these carry overs get assigned to the next 2 Unit numbers automatically such as described in the documentation for DMX? here is the set up up https://drive.google.com/file/d/11P-fcAvPmrOGkrPTTyPxw-v0wTUdUrPy/view?usp=sharing

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It would be nice if the software (showed) the next port assignments based upon Max Circuit count... Although it does seem to carryover to the next port(s) it just does not show it in the prop definition...

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9 minutes ago, Jimehc said:

It would be nice if the software (showed) the next port assignments based upon Max Circuit count... Although it does seem to carryover to the next port(s) it just does not show it in the prop definition...

I agree that it would be nice.  You can prove it with the procedure I mentioned in paragraph 2 of the 2nd post in this topic.


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On 10/15/2021 at 9:07 AM, Jimehc said:

It would be nice if the software (showed) the next port assignments based upon Max Circuit count... Although it does seem to carryover to the next port(s) it just does not show it in the prop definition...

It also doesn't show the carry over units or strings in the String Summery for the preview. So since my GE Spooky Tree uses 394 pixels that would be 3 150 pixel strings which would require 3 unit IDs (controllers) the string summary only shows unit 10 with 450 circuits and no carry overs. So I'm guessing units 11 and 12 are not listed but are there?????? Here is the statistics for the prop as listed in the preview

Preview Name: Spooky Tree C

Number of Master Props: 1
Number of Sub-props: 0
Number of Hidden Props: 0
Number of Bulbs: 394
Number of Channels: 1,182
Number of Groups: 0

Number of RGB Pixel Props: 1
Number of RGB Pixel Bulbs: 394
Number of RGB Pixel Channels: 1,182

So according to the stats. it's all there it just doesn't reference the additional controllers which could lead to a conflict if one does not understand the carry over process.  In this case not knowing  unit 11 is assigned to this prop one could not see it in the string summary and assign it to another prop and cause an unknow conflict. I sure hope they can fix this in up coming fixes so the carry over circuits can be automatically assigned to the next unit and reflect that on the string summary as well as the prop channel dialog box. In the mean time I created a preview of the same prop that has 3 separate 150 pixel sub parts. It will work for now. 

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