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I've screwed something up


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i am attempting to run DMX for the first time ever this year and its been frustrating to say the least.  thanks to all who have responded to my questions thus far and been so helpful with my stupid self. 

I am trying to get a PixCon 16 to run DMX in my show. I have done all the hardware stuff and i can get it to make my pixels do there RGB thing in the test mode from the board. From the config Pixcon screen I can get it to go RGBW. and when I open hardware utility I can control the lights in the DMX light controller so I am reasonably certain that the hardware side of things is connected properly.  The pixel matrix is 3000 pixels with 15 channels running 200 pixels. Firmware on the board is 2.0.8 the PixCon is connected from my computer to a old router I had. The cat 5 cord goes into a Lan port and from another LAN port a cat5 cable makes its way onto my roof and to the box that has my board.  total distance ran is about 40 ft. These are 12v pixels. THe longest run from the box to a pixel string is about 7 ft 

I created a simple test animation sequence with a motion effect that just says "Test" no movement no nothing.  Just the word test. this is what i get on the board https://photos.app.goo.gl/QrMneckRJN52PiAT8

obviously I have screwed something up in either my preview or my network preferences but after going over it a bunch of times I cant seem to figure it out. 

lor network preferences in dmx https://photos.app.goo.gl/U6XxFZNGinR8NnqK7

Pixcon network preferences https://photos.app.goo.gl/1ovdmuTt5kDReGHt6

A word about the network preferences I attempted to set a static IP address of and suddenly my computer couldn't find the PixCon anymore so after a factory reset I left it on DHCP. 

Pixcon pixel port setup https://photos.app.goo.gl/dKNuYMTCEqFKn7bP7

sequence editor preview set up https://photos.app.goo.gl/yFFBbYybd85Vxvnx9 

another shot of the sequence editor with the PixCon pixel port set up next to it https://photos.app.goo.gl/J9iv6BiGR8R7LoWV7


Edited by Thebug
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Looks as if you need to sort your pixels out in your grid view.

Not knowing the pixcon16 Im not sure what settings are there however you could have those effects if you used fold/ snake pattern in the pixcon16 and then again in the prop def. If this is the case only use the patterns on either or and not both.


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In your Network Preference screenshot you have 16 different ip addresses, one for each universe. You should only have one ip address for the controller then different universes for each port if you wish.

Also if you are 200 pixels per port you are going to have rollover so port one would be universe 1&2, port 2 would be universes 3&4 if you are not pixel packing.

Edited by Mr. P
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4 hours ago, Mr. P said:

In your Network Preference screenshot you have 16 different ip addresses, one for each universe. You should only have one ip address for the controller then different universes for each port if you wish.

He's setup for Multicast so those bogus 239 addresses are "normal"


Edited by k6ccc
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