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I had both my computers stolen while I was out of town on Family Emergency

Old Sarge

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I am sorry I have not been here for about 3 or 4 years. I was out of town for a long time Family Medical Care Emergency.

 I have been gone for a while and Had both my computers stolen which had evey seq I had on them.

I lost everything. Hopefully I was thinking I may be able to find some of the people here I shared my drop box's with years ago that May be able to help me getting my stuff replaced. I know I shared my drop box and everyhting I had with probably around 100 different people over the years..


Please IF any of you still have the zipped files I sent to you in the past I would greatly Love and Appreciate if you are able to send or share them back with me. I Totally lost everything I had on the two computers and just reciently got another computer up and running.

Thank You and my e mail is still  retired_old_sarge@yahoo.com.

PS I still just use the old mini lights. I never have been able to upgrade to the newer better things.

Any help is greatly appreciated. I am still running 2'' 7 point archs, 16channel spiril tree, 4 (LOR) singing tree faces. Same for my halloween I have the 4 monster faces set for 8 channels each.

all total I am running 80 channels but I can change and play with things.. 

Thank you and can you please spread the word I am kinda starting from nothing now... My Backup computer and my main show comp were both stolen while I was out of town.

Thank You


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Welcome Back.  Sorry to hear you had stuff stolen.

Are the files you shared via DropBox still in DropBox?


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7 hours ago, Old Sarge said:

I am sorry I have not been here for about 3 or 4 years. I was out of town for a long time Family Medical Care Emergency.

 I have been gone for a while and Had both my computers stolen which had evey seq I had on them.

I lost everything. Hopefully I was thinking I may be able to find some of the people here I shared my drop box's with years ago that May be able to help me getting my stuff replaced. I know I shared my drop box and everyhting I had with probably around 100 different people over the years..


Please IF any of you still have the zipped files I sent to you in the past I would greatly Love and Appreciate if you are able to send or share them back with me. I Totally lost everything I had on the two computers and just reciently got another computer up and running.

Thank You and my e mail is still  retired_old_sarge@yahoo.com.

PS I still just use the old mini lights. I never have been able to upgrade to the newer better things.

Any help is greatly appreciated. I am still running 2'' 7 point archs, 16channel spiril tree, 4 (LOR) singing tree faces. Same for my halloween I have the 4 monster faces set for 8 channels each.

all total I am running 80 channels but I can change and play with things.. 

Thank you and can you please spread the word I am kinda starting from nothing now... My Backup computer and my main show comp were both stolen while I was out of town.

Thank You


It is great to see you back my friend. I have quite a few of your sequences in my email and can forward them right back to you as well as provide you with some new faces if needed.


Edited by dibblejr
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Please, please, please ... everyone. Back up your data. OFFSITE.

There are many ways to do this. Personally, I could come home to a home burned to the ground, or picked clean, and I've lost zero data. It can be done.

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I had back up but with family emercency and break in etc. and having to close my off site drop box for a while I lost everything.

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I had back up but with family emercency and break in etc. and having to close my off site drop box for a while I lost everything.

I have also Not been able to access my old saved e mails which had a lot in them that I had shared with people. 


Thanks to whomever is able to help me out.



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Thank You for the grnerous offer But I did find a couple friend's from the past which had all the seq. I had shared in the past so I now have them all again.

Thank you for the great offer.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh my gosh.  I am so glad that you were able to find a copy of all your stuff.   See, you DID have it backed up OFF SITE.  You just didn't know what state it was in.  LOL


Seriously, I'm glad.  I sure wish I had had your stuff, I'd certainly have sent it back.  I keep an original backup of everything I am sent just for an archive of what it was, and I backup to an external drive, AND a cloud based service constantly.


...So, if you'd like to share any of your stuff with me, I'll certainly have a record for as long as I'm alive.   


If you do share anything with me, I promise to not sell, share, trade, or otherwise claim ownership of your property in any way.  I'll only use it for my familys personal enjoyment on our home.

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