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Remove blank rows


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I purchased a XLights sequence(Magical Light Sequences), and was able to convert it to LOR. 

The converted sequence has many lines of blank rows, he had a huge layout.

My question is, is there a way to remove those blank lines. I did add a view, and appended the listing I wanted, but wondering if there was a quick way to remove blanks?


Edited by metallus2000
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I take it you let it create an imported preview rather than using your own preview.  Best solution is to have the sequence use your own preview.  Or if you don't have a preview, edit the daylights out of the imported preview to remove the extra stuff.


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4 minutes ago, k6ccc said:

I take it you let it create an imported preview rather than using your own preview.  Best solution is to have the sequence use your own preview.  Or if you don't have a preview, edit the daylights out of the imported preview to remove the extra stuff.


Adding/appending views seems to be the best then...


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No.  Not editing views.  If you create a view that only has the rows you are using, the rest of the extra stuff is still there.  It's just hidden.  Edit the preview and the extra junk goes away.


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