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resistor or regulated


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12 v 50 count rgb strings what is the difference between  resistor and regulated  and can you connect one string of resistor  and one string of regulated together  with out any problems  thank you 

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27 minutes ago, sysco said:

Phil thank you for your reply  

It’s been a while , my friend.

You do know we have an official Facebook page, correct?

Hope all is well up north.



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6 hours ago, sysco said:

12 v 50 count rgb strings what is the difference between  resistor and regulated  and can you connect one string of resistor  and one string of regulated together  with out any problems  thank you 

I expect some weirdness with either TYPE.

Resisters drop voltage depending on current. I*R=E.  The good part is that is linear (this has no bearing on how the load behaves). Almost all RGB have resistors in series with each color. 2 main purposes: Balance output (@ 100%) and limit total current. There are different values for each color

Regulators (try) to maintain their design setting (there are Voltage type and there are constant current type). Jerk around the load (blink....) and their behavior is ???  (I believe strings use Voltage type.)

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