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Creations from S4 Pixel Editor not Showing in S5


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Just started converting files from my S4 files to S5.  Getting most things working but I have a pixel tree (25 pixels by 24 lines as described by Brian Bruderer).  My S4 files that I created using the Pixel editor don't show when I run them in S5.  Files that have been created in SuperStar show just fine.  

What am I missing.

Thanks in Advance

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I assume you are using version 5.6.0?

Is your pixel tree assigned to the same unit id in the S4 sequence and the S5 preview?

When you upgrade a sequence, does your pixel tree get listed in the Matched or Not Match list?


If it doesn't show up in either list, then the Sequencer isn't finding your Pixel Editor sequence. Pixel Editor sequence files have an ".LPE" extension and must be in the same folder as LMS file. This same requirement existed in S4.


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Hi Matt and thanks for the reply.

I am using 5.6.0.  And I know the assignments are correct as a sequence that was not programmed using the Pixel Editor worked just fine.  I don't think I had the .LPE file in my folder initially but instead the .PE.LID file.  I think this contains the Intensity Data for the sequence.

I did try again, this time with both the .PE.LID and .LPE files in the folder which were named the same as the .LMS file.  Step One showed my 3-D three element star (conventional lights) not matched as their original network was Aux C and are now in Aux B.  Not Matched also showed under Legacy Name, 'PE Pixel Tree', under Type, 'Pixel_Editor' and under Start Channel, 'Aux B 31.1'.  My pixel tree was built following Brian Bruderer's 24 X 25 pixel tree.  I used controller ID's 31 through 3C for the CCPixel sets.

Step 2 showed basically the same and under the 'Import From' area the Visualizer and Pixel Editor boxes were highlighted. The warnings at Step 3 did not show the 3-D star or the Pixel Tree as in Steps 1 & 2.  When the sequence was played nothing appeared on either my 3-D star or Pixel tree.

I did go to another computer which still has S4 loaded and made an attempt to recreate my Pixel Editor files but I fear that I have lost the ability to figure out how it worked.  Its been several years since I programmed the Pixel tree.


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  • 2 months later...

Sadly, I have not been able to figure it out.  I'm faced with several outcomes: One is to re-sequence all

the sequences I originally did with S-4; second is to stick with S-4 this year; third is just give up on

doing a show this year.

Hopefully my post from May 4 will give you the things I have tried.  One thing I have considered is that

some of my files are in a location different from where I think they are.  The LOR program seems to

only like its 'default' file locations and I usually like things in locations that I choose.  I may be hopelessly

unable to track these things down.

Best of luck and I hope my descriptions will help.


Ken, WestSeattleYuletide

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2 hours ago, Seattlemusicguy48 said:

Sadly, I have not been able to figure it out.  I'm faced with several outcomes: One is to re-sequence all

the sequences I originally did with S-4; second is to stick with S-4 this year; third is just give up on

doing a show this year.



Ken, WestSeattleYuletide

Stick with S4 for this year. You'll be happy, your viewers will be happy that you put on a show for the 2021 season.  My show is simple and S4 works good for what I do. Sure I paid for S5 & I have it on a different Laptop but on this Laptop I have S4 & for time sake I stayed with S4 again this year. So bring on the smiles by having a show.

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Why don’t you just open your S4 sequence without assigning a preview.

Just “next” through all warning and the sequence will load.

Then just copy paste in to Your new preview. 

That is how I do it based on all of my changes from S4 to S5.

After copy/ paste I just close the S4 sequence without saving.

Is it ideal , for me it is due to changes. For you it may not be but it lets you sequence until you get an answer from the HD as Matt suggests.

*Note - I have only used PE a few times so I may be off course.


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