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Light-O-Rama Visualizer


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I bought a new laptop and when I installed my software on it and copied over all my sequences, everything works fine except the Light-O-Rama Visualizer.  It loads ok and opens the files I created but it goes dark in simulation mode and does not display a rendition of my s cene while the Light-O-Rama Sequence Editor is running.  Any help would be greatly appreciated. 


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If you are using S4{and it looks like it from your screen capture.  I had that very same issue. 

You have to be sure ALL network configurations are set correctly that match your sequence settings, if there are differences between the two, the Visualizer WILL Load and show you the visual, but when it comes to "Simulation Mode", nothing will happen and you'll get just what you described a blank screen. 

And any Networks set MUST also exist on the system, if you have a Regular Network, AUX A Network and an Aux B Network, each must have their own Com Port,  Example Reg: Com 3, Aux A: Com 4 and Aux B: Com 5 and each Com port MUST have a physical dongle, if not, Visualizer will not work.    Has to be actual existing Com ports on your system along with a dongle that coincides with them.

I found this out when my Visualizer wouldn't work in S4 either, corrected the errors and visualizer started working just fine.  You also must have the LOR Control Panel loaded and running, and in the SE Control Lights must also be checked, again, if not, Visualizer will just show a blank screen in Simulation Mode.

NOTE: If you are using non-existent Com Ports, the Com Listener will error out and be in a perpetual loop until you remove any non-existent Com Port from your Network Config.  Then unload Light-O-Rama, and restart everything once corrected.  Learned that one at the same time I was having this very issue you're describing with the Visualizer.

Good Luck and hope this may have been of some help.


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It will go black once you select simulation mode.

Once you play the sequence if the controller unit IDs and comm port assignments are correct with the settings in the visualizer it should play the lights.

If they don’t play you have not select “control visualizer” in the control panel and the SE inter tools I believe.

You must select “control visualizer” before opening the Vis. If you didn’t “save” your vis and reopen everything after selecting “control vis”


Edited by dibblejr
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What I stated in a prior post still holds true.   And I believe the OP says he was playing the sequence and the Visualizer still stayed a blank{black} window. 

If he has Visualizer checked and Play Lights checked, and the Visualizer is still a blank screen in Simulation mode when a sequence is running, he'll need to check over just what I stated above. 

I know for a fact, it will not work if any of the steps I outlined are not mated EXACTLY as stated.  If everything matched up in the SE and Network Config program, then there is another issue causing the problem.

Just know what I said above, is exactly what I had to do to get the Visualizer to work when I moved my stuff over to a new computer.


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