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Pixel Channels and Previews


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I purchase and download my sequences. I am finding that any of the pixel prop channels do not get recognized when the sequence is opened, so each pixel is archived. I have tried moving the group into preview designed with the Manage Archive Props tool, but it only lets me move each individual pixel to the preview design. What am I doing wrong? Currently, I am creating new props and copy and pasting the sequence into the new channels created, but this does not seem right. 


Any advice?



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What type of prop are we talking?

If you purchase a sequence normally those channels are DMX or have a unit ID assigned.

Your preview will not recognize them and will archive them.

You still have the sequence though.

Uou need to build/ download the prop into your preview using the prop def.

Then append the prop to your grid view.

Add the individual channels.

Sort the channels for your purpose

Then copy/ paste the doner sequence to your sequence.

I do this everyday, I always have my S4 sequence archived, I never save the sequence as an LORedit.

Hope this helps


Edited by dibblejr
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