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S4 -> S5 - No more "Assign to Fixture" option?


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  • I have a 100% AC Show
  • I've begun upgrading the system to S5 on the spare computer 
  • I have a bunch of Candy Canes strung across my yard, all on a single channel, as a single prop.
  • I moved where the candy canes are in the physical yard layout a couple years ago but never updated my Visualizer.
  • In my visualizer, when I set them up, in S4, I could use the "Draw Light Strings" tool and keep assigning the new canes to the same fixture.
  • I'm now trying to update the candy canes location in the yard, using Preview Editor in S5, and don't want 50-something individual candy cane props, even if I can then assign them all to one group, since in reality they're just one long string of Candy Canes, but I can't find a way to use the "draw strings" tool (or import candy cane prop shapes) and assign them all to the same prop, either pre-emptively, or after the fact.



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16 hours ago, Don said:

"Use same channels as" in Preview/Prop config.

This does not fix my problem. Yes, I can easily have all the props configured to run on the same channel...but I will still end up with 50+ copies of "Candy Cane" all assigned to the same channel. I am trying to avoid having dozens of unnecessary duplicate props.

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Draw only one.  If you prefer, draw of couple of them so it is more obvious that it is a bunch.  As long as you know that it represents 50 candy canes that will be doing the same thing.  Great for decluttering the screen.  

There is NOTHING that says that the preview has to exactly match reality.  I have a very strange shaped yard with almost everything is at odd angles.  For years, I drew everything either left right or up down.  In many cases it is easier to deal with than all the odd angles.  As long as YOU understand it, and the channel assignments match, it will work.


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3 hours ago, k6ccc said:

Draw only one.  If you prefer, draw of couple of them so it is more obvious that it is a bunch.  As long as you know that it represents 50 candy canes that will be doing the same thing.  Great for decluttering the screen.  

There is NOTHING that says that the preview has to exactly match reality.  I have a very strange shaped yard with almost everything is at odd angles.  For years, I drew everything either left right or up down.  In many cases it is easier to deal with than all the odd angles.  As long as YOU understand it, and the channel assignments match, it will work.


This is certainly a potential workaround, but doesn't solve (or answer) the original question. And for reasons beyond the parameters of this issue, I find value in having the preview be accurate, including other related prop issues I didn't go into with my original question.

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You could draw it as a single string.  Let's say you have 50 candy canes and you draw them with 10 lights per cane, draw a string of 500 bulbs and move the bulbs around so that it comes out as 50 candy canes with 10 bulbs each.


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Why don’t you adjust your S4 vis prop and import that in.

I have several S5 props that I sequence in S4 with my animation or vis because they take sO long to calculate. If I make a .05 change and want to review it takes 7 mins to calculate (average)

If I turn off the calculation it doesn’t do any good because I still have to preview it.

I imported the majority of my props one by one from the Vis.

You can also import animations.


Edited by dibblejr
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