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LOR Network No Longer Working


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My LOR show has been working great until last night.  I have been trying to find where the issue is, but I am not having any luck.  I'm using LOR Showtime version 4.4.14Pro (I've not had the time to convert to version 5).

My network includes: 3xCTB16s, 4xCCR-II, 1xCCB-II, 4xOriginal CCRs, 3xPixie4, 1xPixie8, and 4xCMB24Ds

I am assuming there's a network conflict in one of the controllers, but I can't seem to find it. Any trouble shooting ideas that can help me narrow this down would be helpful.

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You say "it worked until last night". Well that "should" rule out a NW conflict. Meaning there is more behind the scenes you are not sharing.

What Gens are the 3 CTB16's?

If those pixies are full that is a lot of pixel data being pushed. 

If the CTBs are not GEn3 they will not comm with the pixies, pixies have to run on 500K enhanced for the most part. The enhanced is a must but the speed can be reduced in some instances. Simply put a lot of the controllers you list "at face value" will not work well together.

More information is needed. Include details as to when and what happened.


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You need to tell us what is going on - we're not mind readers.

You said it's not working, but not what is or is not working.

Are none of the lights working, or some?

On the controllers, what is the status LED showing - solid on, blinking, off, etc?

Controlling the show from a Director or a PC?  If a Director, does it appear to be powered and functioning?

Were any changes made when it stopped working?


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An have you looked inside each controller box to verify status LED, and walked the Network cable looking for damage (if the LED was blinking).Also check the RJ connector for (tripping caused) damage at the last Steady controller and the first Blinking one.


(Boy is my crystal ball clouded up)

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I've been in your situation many times over the past.

As noted above.

Are the lights in your controllers blinking or solid?  Very important question to understanding your problem.

If not, did cable get disconnected or cut or chewed between your  PC/Director and first controller?

If their blinking, we need to know if your using a Director or PC to drive your show.

Are you using a director?  What type Metal or mini?

Directors will lose their marbles once in a great while.  Usually when changing sd cards because of sequence additions/changes.

If controller leds are blinking, unplug it for 10 seconds, connect it back up, and check controller leds again.

Then depending on your show times, verify that you've set the correct time.  Applies to director and pc.

Give us more details.

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As everyone else says, more details are needed.  However, when you say it's not working, I assume you mean your lights aren't turning on anymore and have lost communication with your controllers.  In this case, the first steps I do is to check if your computer is even seeing controllers on the network.  Usually I start with the CTB16s by pulling up the hardware utility and searching the network for controllers to see if any have been found.  If some are missing, you probably have an error with a cable (or as I've seen before, a very small possibility an issue occurred with the RJ45 jack in a controller).  If none are showing up, then either you have an issue with the cable going to the first controller, the RS485 adapter, but most likely a COM issue on the computer.  After everything looks good there, then move onto the next set of controllers.  I'm not as familiar with debugging CCRs and pixies as I use an E1.31 connection for my RGB lights.  Just take steps one at a time, and keep stepping through until you find something that doesn't look right, then debug from there.

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