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2020 Magnolia Musical Christmas - Vacation Drumroll


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That is awesome. Are you able to sequence share the sup pixel tree and lms? Would love to add this next year. Thank Steveward92@yahoo.com

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This intro by far is the best and only one that should be in everyone’s show! I LOVE seeing these!

thank you lol! Love the tree!

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sorry for the belated responses to this topic.   Had a few things going on and finally getting back into LOR tasks.  Yes, i could share what I have.  Just send me your mail and typical disclaimers. 

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I suspect other people do this too, but I put little tweaks in my sequences that most people don't even notice.   Like in the drum roll at 0:35 where the power shuts off -- the lights kind of fade up the pixel tree but if the power went off, they would just go off..  But most people don't register this.... It just seems natural....

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