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Clean-up sequence


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After some of my sequences, I notice that some lights do not go off. I suspect if I use a clean-up sequence, it would help.


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Be sure that turn lights off at end is selected in the show player AND there must be a gap with no effects at the end of the sequence. The very last column must be empty

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32 minutes ago, PhilMassey said:

Be sure that turn lights off at end is selected in the show player AND there must be a gap with no effects at the end of the sequence. The very last column must be empty

I have that in the show. Checking sequences now...

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48 minutes ago, PhilMassey said:

Be sure that turn lights off at end is selected in the show player AND there must be a gap with no effects at the end of the sequence. The very last column must be empty

I used a superstar sequence in a normal channel to test it out. Looks like that might have been the culprit. Re-programming.

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