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New user - ordering


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I am a new user wanting to be sure that I order the correct equipment. Thank you.

1. Which Pixel and control should I use to outline the roof of my home, my fence line and my lawn edging? The longest run is 60 feet, the shortest is 16 feet.

2. What is the maximum number of controllers that the "standard" S5 will drive?

3. Who is my best direct contact source of contact as I will have much more questions as the show is being built?

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The answer to Q2: None (OK, it might run a Pixie2)  Basic is 2 ID's.  For Pixels you really want PRO so you can use Enhanced mode.

Pixel controllers consume ID per port , so a Pixie 4 need 4 ID's (you just set the first and it grabs the net 3)

Q1  is a can o worms. This is not like the AC controllers, where just a longer Extension cord is a solution.

Voltage drop is your enemy. Fatter (lower Gauge number) wire will stave it off for a bit. Using 12V vs 5V will reduce the current needed.

While the newer Pixies do permit longer cables to the strings, they are still way more fussy that the older AC strings

IMHO you want 'local controller zones': Roof, Yard (each side),  try to stay under 25' to the string start  For long runs of lights (ridge), think 'T'. Put both feeds in the middle and set the Left string as Reverse (Node 1 at the FAR end instead of at the feed)

If you dont need Per Light control: Look at dumb RGB and the CMB24 controller (1 ID per board: has 8 RGB ports. behaves more like the AC controller, just has color and is low voltage )

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