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Pixel star help


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I have a three level pixel star, 10,20, 30. The previous owner used xlights. When I import the model it assumes a wired output per star. How do I get the 60 nodes separated in the manner the star is actually built? Also is star 1 the biggest or smallest star when nesting?

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Mine is star 1 is the largest.  I don't think it HAS to be that way, but I recall that was the default.

Just a matter of telling the Channels section of the Prop Definition what the channel assignments are.  How is yours wired?


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11 hours ago, Crcollar said:

I have a three level pixel star, 10,20, 30. The previous owner used xlights. When I import the model it assumes a wired output per star. How do I get the 60 nodes separated in the manner the star is actually built? Also is star 1 the biggest or smallest star when nesting?

You can create a custom prop and indicate within there where pixel 1,2,3 and so are are all located. I think this would be your only option unless your star is able to be imported with the correct pixel locations assigned. 

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12 hours ago, Crcollar said:

I have a three level pixel star, 10,20, 30. The previous owner used xlights. When I import the model it assumes a wired output per star. How do I get the 60 nodes separated in the manner the star is actually built? Also is star 1 the biggest or smallest star when nesting?

Trash the xlights model and create it as mentioned above in the custom prop def. Or download any of the other nested stars. The people that I know that use xlights would not have used that star with three outputs, it would be a waste of outputs since you can control more than 10/20/30/ 50/100 nodes per output. 


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You don't even need to use a custom prop.  S5 already has nested stars as built in props - unless your physical wiring is really odd.  As I asked earlier, how is yours wired?


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You could do this easily in the preview designer

select add new prop from predefined 

select "stars nested"

for number of lights in nest 1, select 30 

then for #2 select 20 

and for #3, select 10

If all on the same channel, on the right hand side, the defaults are probably ok, but you can adjust them to configure if you a channel per for example. 


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a couple more notes, be sure to check RGB on the left hand side, so it sets it to pixels not strings 

you can select the starting position of the strings (bottom or top). 

you can also see the exact mapping of the pixels after you create the prop, after saving it, by right clicking and selecting Wiring View  

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