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AC channels on s5


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Trying to add 2 signs to AUX A. 
1 16 channel AC controller 

2 dumb controllers 

all on aux A

i added the signs to the preview. 
turned them Both on in the grid.

play a sequence, no lights on AC channels 

there is no option to append to view.

everything else is working fine.

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when I added my Pixies, I never actually "ADDED" the pixie controllers. S4 adds controllers.

Up to now, I only added the row after creating the preview....

I Added my AC channels (just the channels) that i am using to the preview (signs). and just turned them on in the grid...


while test running my show last night,,, they would not work all the time.....

Since i added the controller..... all are working fine....



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I don't think I have ever added a controller in S3, S4, or S5.  I have always added channels (or RGB channels) in S4 & S3, and in S5 Preview Editor, I also add the channels as opposed to adding controllers.  As far as I am concerned, it is far easier that way as it makes organization easier.


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Without a doubt! I agree! It was one of the things that I loved. But was getting inconsistencies last night, And it’s working now.

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1 hour ago, k6ccc said:

I don't think I have ever added a controller in S3, S4, or S5.  I have always added channels (or RGB channels) in S4 & S3, and in S5 Preview Editor, I also add the channels as opposed to adding controllers.  As far as I am concerned, it is far easier that way as it makes organization easier.


Some of us can do that with the channels. However every single person I have helped that tried it with a pixie failed because of the hexidecimal numbering system.

Not long ago I tried to delete channels as a test , that I wasnt using. The entire controller did not work. That was AC controller.

You should remember my first attempt at a ccr tree. LOL

I learned a ton from you in just that one prop.

If someone doesn't understand the unit assignment system it goes down hill fast.


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1 hour ago, dibblejr said:

If someone doesn't understand the unit assignment system it goes down hill fast.

That part is certainly true!


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