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Intensity in ME Rows


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Is there a way to change a specific prop - my matrix or CCR tree” intensity  in my ME row?

I tried this and the matrix only played all white.

I used the set max intensity in the tools box and applied it to the matrix ME sequence.

Thank you


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2 hours ago, Don said:

Is this where you changed it?


That is how I learned to apply fades however it didn't work with a row.

I just got off the phone with Phil Massey and he showed me how to change intensity in a ME row. In the "add ME" window, blend screen. The only catch id I have to change every section within the ME individually.

Brings me to a feature request - to be able to change the intensity on an ME row at once. 

Also in our brief conversation S5 stopped working 4 times. Of which one time was due to a SS message being hidden under all of the other windows some how but it should have been on the top as it was what I was attempting to change intensity on. The message was concerning the audio file length.

Phil explained I was using the intensity for normal color effects at the top in the tool bar. That is why my matrix changed to white.


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I choose the entire row, select Existing Effects - Foreground --> then any of the Fade options, and it works for me. I've even lowered the entire row by 75%. The entire row. All at once.

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I wonder if it has anything to do with the prop having videos. Also it was a SS sup file pasted in to ME row.

See my latest "possible bug" thread for that info.

I will go back and try your method on a prop created using ME and normal sequencing rows in a little while.

Thank you for the info


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11 minutes ago, Don said:


I choose the entire row, select Existing Effects - Foreground --> then any of the Fade options, and it works for me. I've even lowered the entire row by 75%. The entire row. All at once.

I just attempted this with my RGB singing face ME row and lost all fades. When I sequence faces the beginning and end of every word is one and 1/2 grids (providing there is space) which I get using fades. This allows great separation between words. Now it has taken away or added to the word. Making some of them to close. It was an easy fix, didn't save changes.

This was a great feature in S4 making it fast for me to sequence the LOR Quartet. Being able to  change and entire 4 mouth movements color or any part of the props at once keeping all fades, shimmers exactly how they are written at one time.


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