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Can you find and replace a color in a sequence?


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Last year after I was done programming I swore I read something that you could find and replace a color in a sequence.  But know I can't find the option.  Does anyone know if the can be done in S5?

I have a sequence the I used orange (R255-G128-B64) in a bunch of effects, but now want to do a mass change to Red/Orange (R255-G30-B0)



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One way, but this won't work unless you know which are the ones you want to change.   

Select the color tool bar and  color you want in the ribbon at the top. 

Then select the places you want to replace it and press M  (apply toolbar effect)

If you just mean like select all and change it, not sure that exists, short of hacking the loredit file. 

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Have you ever looked at a LAS file with a coders editor like Notepad++ ?

R G B is really 3 (adjacent) channels  the issue is all those timing-intensity events for the first channel (R) happen  (are coded) before the next channel (G), and again for the last (B)

So you would need to search all 3 at once for a single TIME, that matches your targeted INTENSITIES  for all 3 

Not saying that this would not be a nifty tool to have :) (built in or a standalone)

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You do it with intensity .

I have a couple threads today concerning a couple problems with it in S5 which in S4 were just simple.

However in most cases the way described in those two threads should work for you.

You will see intensities

To change a color you need to get the scale out of the color pallet of each color

Remember for us 100% of any color is 255

Therefor if a color shows Red- 128, blue 100, Green 63 Yoi need to figure out or closely guess what percentage that is of 255 and gill in the correct percentages in the scale boxes.

Hopefully that made a little sense.

I use it every day in S4 and an just now using it in S5 (or attempting for what I need)


Just now, dibblejr said:

You do it with intensity .

I have a couple threads today concerning a couple problems with it in S5 which in S4 were just simple.

However in most cases the way described in those two threads should work for you.

You will see intensities

To change a color you need to get the scale out of the color pallet of each color

Remember for us 100% of any color is 255

Therefor if a color shows Red- 128, blue 100, Green 63 Yoi need to figure out or closely guess what percentage that is of 255 and gill in the correct percentages in the scale boxes.

Hopefully that made a little sense.

I use it every day in S4 and an just now using it in S5 (or attempting for what I need)


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Those directions are more for custom colors and not basic R,G, B which are very easy

Just add or remove any of those to change to the normal color palet combinations

I have no edit button.


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