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ok folks..crunch time!!

David Barnett

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:shock: OK, I know I'm gonna get hit wth the use search...rightfuly so. However, I need some info/help quickly.

I'm an airline pilot, so my schedule keeps me from working on the LOR stuff. I have this weekend, to get it all running. I fly another 3 day trip starting Monday.

Yes, I realize, I probably bit off more than I can chew...but I still would like to try.

Here is what I need info regarding my setup. Step by step please..if possible.

OK, I've almost got my wowlights shows edited for my home...they are looking good.

1. I want to have my orange or purple iciles lights ON when my show is not playing. When the show starts, they fade off then shows plays..balckout; then icicles slowly fade back to full ON. I would like to alternate between orange thewn purple..etc.

Is this doable, step by step please.

2. I would like to play 1 show on MondaY,2 on Tues,3 on Wed. 4 Thurs, FULL show Friday(Halloween). Can I schedule my shows this way. If so, can uyou give me a littl insight.

I have misplaced my info. form the gentleman in my area, that contacted me offering help.

So I live in Colleyville,TX(Dallas Ft. Worth) area. Would someone be vailable to offer assistance in my area, if needed.

Truly sorry, to have to be typing this particular post. This is trial by fire for sure..but at least, my Christmas show may be easier, after I get through the Halloween show.

I'm in CMH(Columbus,Ohio) right now. We get back in to Dallas Love around Midnight tonight; so, hopefully you great folks will have had a chance to post some help.

Thank You again, for this wonderful community.



PS Typing fast, apologize in advance for typos.

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We are having a meeting on Sunday at 2:00 PM in Lewsville - Please attend - I have had several people ask for a demo of this exact same thing. I am going to do a demo on this. I am also thinking of doing a few Web Conformance Calls (No Details YET) to answer questions like this.



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David Barnett wrote:

I have misplaced my info. form the gentleman in my area, that contacted me offering help.

So I live in Colleyville,TX(Dallas Ft. Worth) area. Would someone be vailable to offer assistance in my area, if needed.

Most likely was me - I am just over a few in Flower Mound.

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bigbth wrote:

It seems like it would be easy with the computer but can you vary the show day to day, in advance, with the DC-MP3?


Yes - by day of the week (Mon., Tue, Wen., ...) but not by Calendar day (Dec 24 ...). But if you update your card weekly you could do this.

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Oh, I see, you have to create a schedule for each of the four days with their own times and not put the memory card in until after the Friday of the previous week. I was hoping for a calender function that I had missed. I wanted to play the same show longer on Christmas eve.



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bigbth wrote:

Oh, I see, you have to create a schedule for each of the four days with their own times and not put the memory card in until after the Friday of the previous week. I was hoping for a calender function that I had missed. I wanted to play the same show longer on Christmas eve.



I just put a new card in that week.
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I'd first have to go pick up another card, then I'd have to label the cards so I know which is which, then I'd forget which is which right at the time I'm going to switch them and be standing there trying to remember which hand had the card with the longer run time or more likely I'd just forget to do it until late in the evening, at which time it wouldn't make sense to shove it in......

I need a calender function.....I don't work well under pressure.......


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bigbth wrote:

I need a calender function.....I don't work well under pressure.......

I have no problem but I am EXTREMELY detailed oriented - but it would be nice. My big WISH ITEM is the ability to edit the show (Time, seq in it, ...) on the card.

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