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Adding a 16x25 pixel tree kit to TSO Showtime Central


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I'm currently running a TSO Showtime Central with the preprogrammed show on the sd card running at 500k with g3 controllers. There is now a 16x25 pixel tree that is a plug and play prop that can be added to this setup. My question is do I just plug it in and connect it to my other controllers and it will function automatically like the other controllers do? I know it will use a different ID number. I just want to know how to go about it before I order it. I have the s5 pixel pro software that the kit came with. Thanks

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If the Pixel tree came with its own controller, and the sequence is preset for it and you know the ID of the Pixel Tree in the sequence, set the Pixel Tree Controller to that ID #, connect Pixel Tree to it's RGB Controller and connect it to your Director unit or the closest G3 Controller via Cat5 cable and you should be good to go.  If it did not come with a controller, you'll need to buy some type of RGB Controller to control the Pixel Tree that can be connected to it.  You can't just connect an RGB Light Prop to ja G3 AC Controller, if that's what you're asking.  It has to have it's own RGB Controller to function.


Edited by Orville
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Yes, that kit is a pixie or pixcon controller. As long as the TSO sequence has the tree written it is pretty much p&p. (the pixie kit is more user friendly)


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