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Glad I got my LOR ORDER in EARLY!


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After seeing and reading DevMike's news about how LOR has closed down, I wish ALL LOR Employees the best and will pray that this dreaded virus doesn't affect anyone in their organization.

But I did want to thank them for my delivery of 6 strands{qty of 3/2 strands per} of the RGB CCB C9 type Bulbs I had ordered around March 16, I got my order via UPS delivered on Friday 03/20/2020, tested and verified all working perfectly.   These were the clearance CCB bulbs for the original 5V RGB Controllers {CCB-100D}.   And right after, that's when things started going and got to their worst{or so it seems}, I was honestly expecting a big delay in getting them because of the COVID-19 virus and restrictions that keep coming.  So I was happy and surprised when they still made it to my door on March 20,2020.   I had planned on ordering another set {2 strands, which is one order} when our reward cards got here, but those have also been delayed and they were sent out on March 9th and we've yet to get them!

So looks like I'll be postponing my order until things hopefully can get back to being better than they are currently.

May all the forum members and the LOR Family all be safe from this horrible pandemic that is shutting down so many places all over the country and the world.

Just pray for each other {if that is your thing} and pray for an end to this to end quickly.   Or do whatever your religious belief system may be to get this pandemic over and done with.

Bless you all.

Orville in Orlando, FL


Edited by Orville
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We have a few more answers today.  Orders and shipping are currently open as Dan is boxing things up and the delivery services are picking up.  Please see my update in the important announcements.

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Thanks for the updates Mike.    You folks be safe up there.  

Just heard on our local news yesterday a lot of New York folks are flying into Florida.   However, be forewarned, if you do fly into Florida from New York at this time and plan on staying here, Florida will require you to self-quarantine for 14 days when you arrive.  Just so you're aware of the restriction, as of this posting.

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i did wonder about the Spring Sale and whether that will happen.   I have a few items on my wish list that my DW would appreciate that I got on sale.   But, either way, I will eventually have to show my appreciation for all the stuff you guys put together.   Be Safe!

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On 3/24/2020 at 10:39 AM, Orville said:

Thanks for the updates Mike.    You folks be safe up there.  

Just heard on our local news yesterday a lot of New York folks are flying into Florida.   However, be forewarned, if you do fly into Florida from New York at this time and plan on staying here, Florida will require you to self-quarantine for 14 days when you arrive.  Just so you're aware of the restriction, as of this posting.

I believe if I recall Mike lives in FL. Very few of the LOR team actually live in the warehouse area. My mother lives about 2 hours west along with the rest of my family.


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