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Help understanding preview


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I am trying out the S5 software to see if I want to transition from S4 to S5.  As a part of that process I am updating/cleaning up the preview to take advantage of some of the new features.  One thing that has got me stumped is the behavior of the Lines-Connected Prop.  On my house I have a string of pixels where the orientation would be the first pixel is on the right side and the input from the controller would be on the right side as well.  When I then use the Sequence Editor to light the prop I just created, the pixels are reversed.  Pixel 1 is at the left end of the prop when displayed in the playback window.

I then decided to try to better understand how this was intended to work.  I created two Lines-Connected props.  I oriented/dragged each of them to horizontal.  I activated the Show Pixel Numbers option and as expected it indicates pixel 1 is on the end with the blue square.  For one prop I placed the blue square to the left and on the other I placed it to the right.  For the line where the blue square was to the left I set the Starting Location to be left.  On the line where the blue square was to the right I set the Starting Location to be right.  I saved the preview and then used it to create an animation sequence.  In the animation sequence I enabled channel level on the pixel prop for each prop.  I then added an on effect to the c01 entry for each prop and ran the sequence.  I had expected to see on one row where pixel 1 was on the left and on the other row pixel 1 would be on the right.  Instead both rows have the lit pixel on the left.  Apparently I do not have a firm grasp on how this is supposed to work.  Does anyone have a link to a tutorial or the help files that will make it so I can get my head wrapped around this?


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