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Palm tree wrapping


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Hello all I am about to purchase my lights when the sales start I am contemplating doing my palm trees in rgb rather than traditional lights I am new to programming and decorating.  I dont want to have to go up the ladder per holiday Halloween and christmas to wrap with different colors I can use feedback my palm tree on curbside is very thick and palm tree in yard is thin I was thinking of doing a panel for thin one but am trying to be cost efficient please help ty

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Agree with Dennis, there are really no cheap ways to do RGB, unless you already had some older original RGB Controllers that needed their RGB light strands replaced.   I couldn't afford new ones, so since I have 2 original 5V RGB Controllers that were in need of RGB Replacements I purchased the ones on Clearance, that was cost efficient for me.  But not everyone has that option just going into RGB lighting.

If it were me {and I could afford them} I'd just buy the new CCB2 controllers with 200 RGB lights as a package deal {again, if you can afford them}.   One strand of these LOR RGB Lights is around somewhere between almost 63-64 foot long {including the lead in dangle to the first bulb}.  Don't recall the exact length offhand, but I have a 66' long manufactured home and they leave about a 2-3 foot opening at the back where I don't have lights when I string one 50 RGB Bulb strand along the one side of my house.  

So I'd think the newer Controllers with 200 bulbs {50 bulbs per strand/4 strands}, that should be more than enough to cover your palm tree.  But you'd probably need to mount the controller between the 2 sets of strands, one way work up from the controller, the other from the controller to the ground.   This would be about the only possible solution I can see that would be suitable for your palm tree, especially since you state is has a large trunk.


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