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Selecting Programs On G3 Mini-Director


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Just getting started at this so this may be basic.   I want to use three push-buttons to choose one of three sequences using the same lights but to different music.   I understand the wiring configuration and hardware based on the diagram on the device..   My question relates to the sequences     If I develop 3 different sequences using 4.4.4 and save them as separate files,  are there requirements regarding file naming that allows the director to choose which file was selected?   In other words, how is a specific file name associated with one of the three inputs  on the Mini-Director?  The intent is for a sequence to play, beginning to end then stop until another button is pressed.  It should then play that sequence.    The selection order is random, in other words sequence 1 could be followed by 3 then 1 again.  Next could be 2 then 2 a second time.  I want 1 sequence per button activation,   Sequence 1 will always play when button 1 is pushed, .   Sequence 2 with 2, and 3 with 3, but in any order.


Another consideration I think is covered by the setup of the Mini-director.  Can I choose whether a second activation of a button while a sequence is playing either breaks and goes immediately to the new selection or ignores the button till the first selection ends?   As I read the manual this is done initially when the Mini-director is set up using the computer,   is this a correct assumption?

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If memory serves me on this, the directors, and even controllers that allow external inputs like a push button to start a sequence, if another button is pressed, my recollection is the current sequence will not play out, but the 2nd or 3rd button that is pressed will end the current sequence and start the sequence for which that button is pressed{set-up} for.   Unless some drastic changes to the hardware/software have been made to accommodate this in newer versions that will allow the sequence to finish that is playing, then start the next for the 2nd or 3rd button. Otherwise I don't think this may be possible.

But don't take my comment at full value.  If someone has done this, and succeeded, I'm sure once they see your post they'll chime in here with instructions on the how to for it. 

Just saying from what I recall, it's going to end the current playing sequence and start the sequence associated with that particular button.  Even if the same button is pressed again, it would not finish the sequence playing, but start it over from it's beginning.


Edited by Orville
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Orville, that is actually they way I want it to work for my application.    If that is true, Great!

Still unsure about how to program the sequences / name them so the buttons pressed select to one desired.  in other words, how do I keep them sorted out so the director can determine which is which when I save them to the SD Card.?

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1 hour ago, Caverat said:

Orville, that is actually they way I want it to work for my application.    If that is true, Great!

Still unsure about how to program the sequences / name them so the buttons pressed select to one desired.  in other words, how do I keep them sorted out so the director can determine which is which when I save them to the SD Card.?

I think all you'd need to do is perhaps name them Button1.lms, Button2.lms, Button3.lms to denote which button goes to the sequence.  

However, the buttons would actually be "Show #2, Show #3 and Show #4.  With Show #1 being your main show that the triggers would interrupt{stop} and play that particular show #.  Whereas Show 2 would be button #1, Show 3 button #2 and show 4 button #3.  But the sequences themselves could be named Button1.lms {Show 2}, Button2.lms{Show 3} and Button3.lms{Show 4}.   Again, any button would also interrupt and stop the main show{Show #1} and only play that particular buttons sequence.  So if this is what you are wanting to do, this would be the way to do it.

But if you want the main show {Show #1} to continue when a trigger is pressed, I don't think this is possible.  Unless, and I haven't used a Director in years now, but if there is a way to make the triggers work as a BACKGROUND sequence that would play at the same time the main show {Show #1} is operating, then you'd place the Button#.lms files in the Background tab and have each one set to play in the background, and each one would play when the appropriate button was pressed. 

Again, I'm not sure if the Directors are capable of running background sequences at the same time as the main show files.   If so, then this is how you would accomplish that and keep the main show operating.

BTW: The Mini Director info can be found here: http://www1.lightorama.com/PDF/mDM-MP3_Man_Web.pdf

But it looks like it only allows a single triggered input from what I've read through it.  But that info could be outdated and the newer Directors may be more capable of additional triggers, as well as using background sequences.  But I just can't say since the one director I had was an older original version.

Good Luck.




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That is what was not real clear to me, naming protocols.    As for the main versus secondary show, in my application the minidirector is the primary as I am using it in a stand-alone mode.  It is not part of any other show.   The intent is to have 3 shows available, each geared to a particular audience.  Picking the button, 1, 2, or 3, is to cause the director to run one of the shows as chosen.    (This is not the normal Christmas light show, rather an educational display for different groups where the controller will interact with both lights and animatronic actions.)   Some channels will control lights, (dimming, as done with Christmas displays), others operate relays which interface with the mechanical aspects.   The show sequencing determines function / light configuration and timing intervals.

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Pages 21 -23 in the guide found at the link Orville posted has a good discussion of how to assign a show to a trigger and how to influence how they will behave.  E.g Does it play one time or loop, can it be interrupted etc.

I brought up the LOR HUB and it is confirming/indicating the show number corresponds directly to the trigger with that number .  I checked in the Hardware Utility and if you choose the option "Plays when triggered" you then have to select the trigger.  When you tell it to create the SD card the Hardware Utility then chooses for you the show number.  Thus Show 1 would run when trigger 1 is activated, Show 2 when trigger 2 is activated and so on.  If I understood your question correctly that would mean the SD card you create would contain Show 1, Show 2 and Show 3.  Each show would contain the sequence(s) that you wish to run when the trigger is activated.  The name of for the sequences can be anything, the Show number is the mapping to the trigger.

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12 hours ago, Caverat said:

That is what was not real clear to me, naming protocols.    As for the main versus secondary show, in my application the minidirector is the primary as I am using it in a stand-alone mode.  It is not part of any other show.   The intent is to have 3 shows available, each geared to a particular audience.  Picking the button, 1, 2, or 3, is to cause the director to run one of the shows as chosen.    (This is not the normal Christmas light show, rather an educational display for different groups where the controller will interact with both lights and animatronic actions.)   Some channels will control lights, (dimming, as done with Christmas displays), others operate relays which interface with the mechanical aspects.   The show sequencing determines function / light configuration and timing intervals.

Okay, now that makes sense that you've explained it in a bit more detail.  Like basis21b stated, it's all there in the manual at the link I posted.  And from what I understand of it, what you want to do should be doable using the Hub.  I think the HWU is limited to only a single trigger input.  At least from what I could tell of it.  I was going to see what the HUB could do with an SD Card and Triggers, but I've misplaced my SD multi-Card Reader/writer, so I couldn't test out the Hub to see what it could or couldn't do in writing a multi-trigger show.   But from what I read of basis21b's comments, your new details and the manual, I think you should be able to pull it off.

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