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C7 LED's

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I am a big fan of C7'S and have been looking for ones that look like the old incan's--found them at Christmas Lights.ETC.   They came yesterday and I am impressed,very impressed!  The bulbs are a tad smaller than the regular incans  but that doesn't matter, the colors are amazing, they are a lot brighter. They have a new opticore Led which doesn't show a hot spot in the bulb. plus they can be dimmed . I bought multi color,blue and red,a box of each to try. Will be ordering more  while they are on sale. I have tons of C7's stringers so I just got the bulbs.  Have three 6 foot artificial flocked trees for in front of the garage they will look great with the three colors for next year. Yes now I need another controller,gezzzz it's always something!


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