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Superstar 6 Channel star effects


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Over the years I have purchased quite a few Superstar sequences and they all have a 6 channel star as part of the sequence. Is there an easy way to take the effects that would have been on the 6 channel star and make them work on any type of RGB topper? Is everyone just starting from scratch with their mega tree topper or has anyone figured out an easy way to use the effects for the 6 channel star?

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In S5, you do the following:

Launch the Sequencer, go into Preview Design

Click on the "Add" button and select "Superstar (online)"

Select the 16 CCR with RGB star Prop

Select all of the motion effect row for the 16 CCR with RGB star Prop, right click and select "insert superstar effect"

After superstar launches, click on the File menu and select Open, and open the 16 CCR with 6 channel star sequence

You should get a message box saying it has converted the star effects in the sequence into white effects on the RGB star, you will also get a message box asking if you want to place a clip rectangle around the effects on the tree, answer "yes"


In S4 you do the following:

Launch superstar

Click on the File menu and select "Open" and open the 16 CCR with 6 channel star sequence

Click on the File menu and select "import visualization" and import the visualization for the 16 CCR tree with RGB star

You will get a message saying that the star effects in the sequence have been converted to white effects on the RGB star.

However, the code that automatically puts a clip rectangle around the tree effects was put in after v4.4.4 so you will not get a clip rectangle put around the effects on the tree. But that feature will be in the next S4 release.

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Thanks Brian, I did get that to work using S5. That star was a specific type, Is there a way for me to get this working using my own mega topper, I am using an RGB snowflake.

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The code looks for props that have the word "star" in them. If it finds it, then it applies the different stars to the different rows. I can't guarantee what it will do on a snowflake prop, but put "star" in the name and see what happens.

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