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turn on all lights for an hour and half after show ends


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Hi Everyone,

I am new to LOR and I'm having fun with the system.  I have a 2 hour show set up with a number of songs and sequences shared, purchased or built by me.  I have an 45 second animation file in between each song with different light channels getting turned on and off before the next song.  I would like to add an hour and half long animation file after my show ends to have all my lights on but no music.  Out of respect for my neighbors I stop the music at 8:30pm on work days. Most of the neighborhood turn the lights off around 10 pm. 

In trying to do this I ran into some problems. I tried to set up a longer animation file but the software would not let me go longer than a minute.  I'm not sure if I can run a musical sequence with out music.  If someone with more experience can point me in the right direction on setting up this create. our and half long all lights no music situation I am trying to create.

I appreciate any help given.

I'm using S5 pro version 5.3.12 software.



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You can do a musical sequence with a music file that is silence, but you should not need to.  You can make an animation sequence up to just under 60 minutes.  However you can also enable loops so you could make it take many hours.


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