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Help needed with Wowlights E1.31 rgb screen


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Hello, I’m an electrician and my customer has added a wowlights e1.31 screen to their Christmas lights setup this year. 
It has 12 Intelligent rgb ribbons running out of a wowlights 16 output e1.31 controller.

We have the sequences installed on the computer and can get the controller to run them in a show. 

*** The problem we are having is that the screen outputs the wrong information. 

- some lines of the screen which should be half way down, apear at the top and go backwards. The top and bottom lines seem to be in the middle of the screen. 

- we have followed all instructions from wowlights and they have even dialed in to have a look and can’t find where it is going wrong. 

- what would cause the sequence to display on the wrong channels? The dmx and universe setup was all done to wowlights spec. 

- can you pause a show as it’s going or pause a display? This would make it easier to see what’s going wrong? 

I have thought about swapping the output leads around to make the picture line up,  if this seems counter intuitive as they are sequential as they are meant to be at present. 

any help would be appreciated




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