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video question

ken collins

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My video projector displays my desktop, but won"t show the video in the sequence.

Display video's, and use full screen are set in the video preferences, but it won't let me or show me the projector in select monitors.. Any ideas??


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Yep a video card with two video outputs or even two video cards. Sounds like your trying to use just one card with a single port.

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chartrand wrote:

Yep a video card with two video outputs or even two video cards. Sounds like your trying to use just one card with a single port.

Have you actually gotten it to work with 2 video cards? I have not heard of anyone getting it to work correctly with 2 video cards.

The "duel display" option on a Nvidia card is all that I have heard of working correctly. I have one and it works great.

You can set it to duel display and have it show video in full screen on the second monitor (video projector) no matter what is on the primary monitor. You can leave the video on the main monitor in the small screen that S2 diaplays and still have it full screen on the video projector.
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Have you actually gotten it to work with 2 video cards? I have not heard of anyone getting it to work correctly with 2 video cards.

My main machine has two video cards; it works fine on it.
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bob wrote:

Have you actually gotten it to work with 2 video cards? I have not heard of anyone getting it to work correctly with 2 video cards.

My main machine has two video cards; it works fine on it.


You can make one of your video cards show noting but full screen video?

What shows on that monitor(projector) when there is no video playing?

What type of video cards are you using?

Sorry for all the questions, just courious.
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I don't have a projector, but yes, full screen video works fine in all of my monitors (three of them), no matter which video card they're hooked up to.

When no video is playing, the regular Windows stuff shows - the desktop, any windows that I happen to have open, et cetera. Because of this, a lot of people will do things like make their desktop picture all black, get rid of all the icons from that monitor's section of the desktop, and hide the Windows Task Bar.

My video cards are a Radeon X300 SE and an NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200. Or at least that's what Windows tells me.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question, though - are we only talking about projectors (rather than monitors)? If so, please ignore what I said - I don't have any experience with projectors.

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No, the projector would operate just like one of your monitors. All your information is useful.

With the NVIDIA Geforce 6200 that I have you can leave all your icons in place on your primary monitor. Set the video to "duel display" "show video full screen" and as long as video is showing it will be full screen on the second monitor or projector. It will show only the desktop background if there is no video.

I use the black desktop background concept. I have a still pic that is at the begining and end of all my videos that is also my desktop background pic. You can see a small flicker on the screen when it changes from video to background.

Glad to hear that two video cards can also work.

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I do have a dual view video card.. Projector shows the desktop, and I can drag and drop the video , and it plays that way.. I just wasn't able to get the video to play when I started the sequence. Figured I had something unchecked somewhere..

Thanks for the idea

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ken collins wrote:

I do have a dual view video card.. Projector shows the desktop, and I can drag and drop the video , and it plays that way.. I just wasn't able to get the video to play when I started the sequence. Figured I had something unchecked somewhere..

Thanks for the idea

My bad! Did you get it working? Did you have something unchecked?
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ken collins wrote:

still not working.. Running it through the s video port, wonder if that has something to do with it?

Nah! I run mine thru the s video port. It works just fine.

Is the video playing on your main monitor?

What kind of sound card do you have?

Edit I ment to say Video card!
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I have to drag the video off the screen, then it shows up on the projector. When I stop and restart the sequence I get a form can't be moved while minimized or maximized window.

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I had to go hook up my show computer and check the settings.

With everything hooked up and on, including your projector. If the computer was already on when the projector was hooked up you may need to reboot.

Open your NVIDIA Control Panel and select "set up multiple displays"

In that window select "configured indenpendently from each other (Dualview)

Click "apply"

On the left hand side under "video & Television" select "Modify Full-screen video options"

In that window click "Also show it full-screen on my:" Autodetect in the drop down or select your projector.

Your projector should be showing ONLY what is on your desktop background. With no icons or anything.

Now when you play a video it will show in full-screen on your projector. Nothing else you do on your monitor should show on the projector.

When there is no video showing your projector will revert back to your desktop background.

You said you have a 5200. I have heard that the above options are only available on NVIDIA Geforce 5400 and later. I put the above info here though, because I have been wrong before:) Hopefully I am wrong again and the 5200 will work after going thru the above steps.

I know the steps are correct because I went thru them on one computer while typing them here:shock:

Hope this helps

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ken collins wrote:

Hi Paul

Don't see a set up multp. display

Thanks for babysitting me


Did you hook up and turn on your projector before turning on your computer, or reboot after hooking it up?

I hooked my projector up while the comp. was on and had no set up multp. display until after I rebooted.

If you did, I don't have any other 'try this' right now.
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Not that this is the answer you are looking for, but there are some new NVIDA Geforce cards on ebay for under $50 including shipping. Some new under $30

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