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Uninstall of S5, reinstall S4 fails. Is this the right place to ask???


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Uninstall (S5) re-install S4 where the install seem not complete.   It seems to loop on  the  Direct-X install part and never finishes.   And if it does once you start the control panel it just caused it to try to install DirectX yet again and the loop continues.   

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You may need to re-download the S4 software, I've had that happen on occasion and it's because the original download had gotten corrupted.  Also you may need some additional program LOR recommends that when you do an uninstall, it removes any stray info left in the Windows Registry from any/all previous/current versions that had been installed, as this could possibly cause such an issue.  I don't recall the name, or where to download it, but if you search the forums, you may be able to find the threads with that info in it.

Do that, re-install a fresh copy of S4 and hopefully everything will install correctly with no further issues.


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