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Weird problem - not a show stopper


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I have a really weird problem.  Our main show runs from 6-9 (so as to not drive the neighbors insane with the blinking lights!).  Since I don't want it to be dark from sunset until 6pm, I have an Animation Sequence that I've put into a "Show" and it runs from 4:30-6.  It just has all the traditional lights (except for the 4 faces) full on and the pixels have some pretty motion effect patterns.  It is 2 minutes long and just repeats for 1.5 hours.  What is weird is that 4 traditional light channels don't come on for the FIRST play of the sequence.  As soon as we hit the 2 minute mark and the sequence repeats, they come on and stay on for the rest of the time.  The 4 outputs are on 2 different controllers.

Controller 04 - Outputs 5 & 6

Controller 11 - Outputs 5 & 6

Both controllers have other props on outputs 1-4 and they all work as expected for the entire show.

Clearly, this isn't the end of world - I doubt anyone is even going to notice that it takes 2 minutes for everything to be on, but it is driving me a little crazy trying to figure out why this is happening? 

Any ideas what would cause this?



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I am going to assume that the affected channels are 100% on from start to finish.  I have seen a few oddities with that situation.  Change the first time mark so that it is a ramp from 99 to 100%.  That will likely fix your issue.


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Thank you.  Just changing the first cell didn't do it, but I set a couple cells about 1 second in at 95% and that seems to have done the trick :)


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