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Motion Effect Generator: Problem with 'Use the audio waveform' transition mode setting


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Example of problem: Motion Effect Generator, 'Wave' effect, amplitude slider is set to 'Use the audio waveform'.

When I play this from the sequencer, the effect changes with the loudness of the music as expected both in the preview window and on the actual light display outside.

When I play this sequence directly from the Show/Schedule, there is no variation on the effect based on the audio. This problem occurs also on the 'Bars' effect speed setting, and the 'Wave' effect frequency setting (I assume every setting that has the 'Use the audio waveform' option).

Background: I create my sequences on my desktop computer, and then transfer them to my dedicated show computer. I did discover that the 'SS_TIME-STAMP_****.avi' files need to be transfers for the SuperStar effects to work. Are there other files that need to be transferred for the Motion Effect Generator? But then why would the motion effects work when played directly from the sequencer? I also tried deleting the \Light-O-Rama\LORInternal\Playback\L\ files to force the Show/Schedule to generate a new play file, but this did not work.

Any suggestions?

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