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Major issues with 5.3.10 S5


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I have several sub sequences that I have used with S5 in the past. Never had any problems with them. Tonight I was testing my show and every sequence I have that uses a sub sequence will not play the sub sequence correctly. It appears that data is all out of place on the sub sequences. If I run the sequence through the sequencer and not the show everything works fine. Since that was the case I used verifier to see what may show up. I am not getting any errors or warnings. Everything is fine. The latest version of S5 has several issues. This is extremely frustrating with less than a week away before the show starts. I am considering reverting back to a previous version but if I do what will that do to the sequencing I have done in 5.3.10? Thanks

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I'm thinking of going back to 5.2.2. I'm having major issues with the system creating .play files twice the size of the LOREDIT files. It's taking over a minute to load a sequence.

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1 hour ago, steveV967 said:

I'm thinking of going back to 5.2.2. I'm having major issues with the system creating .play files twice the size of the LOREDIT files. It's taking over a minute to load a sequence.

See your other post.

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