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Why does an "@" appear when I convert to S5?


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When I convert my files from S4 to S5, I receive an error telling me various channels will appear but will not drive lights.  When I open the sequence, I then see "@" signs next to the errors reflected during the import.  Please advise as this is the same sequence and hardware configuration I have use since S3 with no issues.

I am open to suggestions...





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the @ means the channel prop does not exist in the preview you are using.   

that is what the first line in the warnings is saying.  You have these defined in your sequence, but I can't find the same in the preview (which is required in S5)

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in the preview, you don't need to do much.   I generally just draw a small string of lights for most things no worry about of the other details. 


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Thank you all for the responses.  To clarify, while i understand the issue wit the preview, will it still control the lights when i go live or do i have to correct first?


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I do believe you will have to correct first.  I had some similar problems and required putting them in the preview layout before they would work.

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Hmmm...seems like a bug if they worked before, why would this break it? 

May have to revert to S4...not sure we have enough time for such.  Maybe next year...

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It's not a bug, it just means your preview does not match exactly what is defined in your sequence.

I find it a shame that a lot of people seem to be afraid to venture in S5.  I've used it since it came out in beta, yes there were bugs but things worked out pretty well.  The transition from S4 is a major learning curve but I see people on the forum saying they are going back to S4 because of lack of time, unfortunately we are all lacking time.  I say bite the bullet now and you won't regret it.  If you're like me I tend to wait too long before getting back into programming mode, if this is the case you would again say I'm going to wait next year and the next and you would be missing on some fine feature of S5.

It is true that for now it's too late to learn but if you start early next year you will be pleasantly surprise 🥳at how easy it really is, just my opinion.



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On 11/23/2019 at 3:48 PM, lanopie said:

It's not a bug, it just means your preview does not match exactly what is defined in your sequence.

I find it a shame that a lot of people seem to be afraid to venture in S5.  I've used it since it came out in beta, yes there were bugs but things worked out pretty well.  The transition from S4 is a major learning curve but I see people on the forum saying they are going back to S4 because of lack of time, unfortunately we are all lacking time.  I say bite the bullet now and you won't regret it.  If you're like me I tend to wait too long before getting back into programming mode, if this is the case you would again say I'm going to wait next year and the next and you would be missing on some fine feature of S5.

It is true that for now it's too late to learn but if you start early next year you will be pleasantly surprise 🥳at how easy it really is, just my opinion.



I found it neither easy or pleasant with my experience with S5, I just think it's over-complicated and just like the OP, I agree, this is something that should a simple transition and S5 SHOULD NOT be doing stuff like this.  It gets very frustrating trying to convert a sequence to S5, then get slapped in the face with these issues, that I feel SHOULD NEVER EXIST in the first place.  The transition should have been just as smooth as when transitioning from S2 to S3 to S4.  But transitioning to S5 turned out to be nightmare in my opinion. 

I don't like how the S5 programming is now such a small screen size in the programming blocks, as opposed to the SE in previous version {I believe we should have a choice like in S4, PE or SE, I do not like the PE and don't use it, can't ever get it to do anything.  And sure, I can make the PE bigger, but then I can't see more than a few channels, even then I could NEVER get any lights to work in the PE {S4} or in S5, I could NEVER define a prop that would work, and when I tried and saved it, if it did manage to turn on a few lights here and there, then tried reloading, then it wouldn't work.  I totally loathe the PE and S5 and how it is set up.

Me, I'll be with S4.4.4 and that's it.  I will NEVER transition to S5, nor will I ever use the PE.  Just too complicated, aggravating, frustrating and just could never get it to function no matter what I did, or read how to get it to do it.  So it's S4.4.4 for me, and that's going to be it until I'm either selling or giving away things, or I'm dead!  Whichever may come first!😮


Edited by Orville
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